Editor Interview: Celia Lee (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers)

Welcome to Celia Lee, an executive editor at Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, where she works with creators on all things illustrated, from picture books and early illustrated chapter books and middle grade to graphic novels for all ages.

The list of authors and illustrators she’s partnered with is wow-​worthy. To name just a few:

Celia previously worked at Scholastic, where, in addition to editing, she helped start their employee diversity committee as well as coördinated their partnership with We Need Diverse Books ™. She also served for two years as a member of the Children’s Book Council (CBC) Diversity Committee and is a mentor for POC in Publishing.

As far as academic credentials go, Celia studied English Literature and Art History at Virginia Tech and earned a MS in Publishing from NYU.

Let’s learn more about Celia and her work right now!

RVC: Rumor has it that you were a fan of Charlotte’s Web as a child. What about E.B. White’s book appealed so much?

CL: Fan was an understatement–I was obsessed! I think it was the first book I read that made me feel like I was important and that I could handle important topics, like death and growing up. I have always had a penchant for being mopey and melancholy and White’s lines about the changing of the seasons and our state of existence spoke to me in a way that made me realize books could really see you.

Plus, spiders really are heroes!

RVC: I’ve been a lifelong fan of White myself. Not as much for Charlotte’s Web or The Elements of Style–which are both terrific–but rather this letter he wrote. Have you encountered it before? 

CL: Yes! It’s deliciously perfect–I’ve been keeping that line handy in my mind palace for when I really have to back out of something with style. 🙂

RVC: Yeah, White’s pretty terrific. Now, back to you! At what point did you realize you were going to work in publishing? That English Lit + Art History combo platter has me wondering…as does that internship with the American Physiological Society!

CL: I actually sort of suspected maybe publishing was a possibility during my senior year of high school. I had a wonderful and inspiring AP English Lit teacher, Mr. Craver, who mentioned that working in books was a thing and that was the tiny little hopeful spark I held onto and kept feeding and feeding all throughout college with my coursework.

The APS internship was a little bit random! I was going to move to New York in the fall for grad school, but I needed a job that summer and I found the posting on Craigslist. I helped out in their communications department, drafting press releases on scientific studies. It was fun to learn about something totally different, and I got to talk to scientists and people excited about science!

RVC: After your undergrad degree at Virginia Tech, you earned an MS in Publishing from NYU. How common is it now for agents and editors to earn advanced degrees or certificates in publishing? 

CL: This is all very unscientific, but I’d say about a quarter of the folks I know working in publishing have an advanced degree or certificate. It’s by no means mandatory, but for a lot of us that went down that path it was a way to get the foot in the door–many of us came from places that were not close to NYC where the major publishers are. It provided access to folks working in the industry and fostered connections. I’m not sure if that’s the same for people in programs now, though, since so much of the industry has changed since the beginning of the pandemic.

RVC: What are some of the most useful things you learned in that program?

CL: Learning about the practical business stuff has been very useful. I took a great class on project management that has saved me tons of times on projects, that’s for sure.

RVC: Let’s get from Then until Now(ish). Could you briefly describe your career journey leading up to your role as Executive Editor at Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers?

CL: After a stint as an intern/​editorial assistant at a small library publisher, I found a job as an editorial assistant in Scholastic’s former Book Clubs division, working on the ins and outs of curating the baby-​toddler-​preschool book clubs. That got me excited about board and picture books and how they were made, so when the Trade division had an opening in their Cartwheel books imprint, I immediately jumped in. Then after a few years there, the Book Clubs group needed someone to coördinate their We Need Diverse Books program, which was too exciting not to pass up, but when the pandemic happened I went back to the Trade group for one last time. Then the S&S BFYR was looking for an experienced picture book editor, and that was that! I’ve been here for about 2 years now. Sorry, that wasn’t brief at all!

RVC: No problem–we always appreciate a useful robust here at OPB! Now, who has been your biggest career cheerleader and mentor, and in what ways have they impacted your growth in the industry?

CL: I’ve been fortunate to have so many cheerleaders and mentors during my time working in publishing. All of my bosses have been mentors to me, for example. I’ve learned so much from them in different ways, but mostly on how to be a good editor and advocate. But the lovely thing about the kidlit community is that there is an abundance of kind-​hearted, caring, and talented folks at every level in every department–so many of my colleagues have been mentors to me whether they know it or not just by being there and leading by example. It’s what keeps me excited about work.

RVC: What was the story behind the first picture book you acquired? 

CL: You know, the memories behind some of my first picture books are a little hazy since I acquired board books and picture books in one big jumble when I started, but one of the early ones was this paperback picture book called Princess Puppy that was written by the late great Bernette Ford. I don’t think it’s in print anymore, but that really stuck out in my mind.

RVC: What surprised you most about the process of bringing that book to life?

CL: The editorial process was definitely surprising, only because I was just this little assistant editor working with this legendary author who had created and led my imprint so I had no idea what to expect!

RVC: As an editor, what would you say is the most rewarding part of your job and why?

CL: There’s nothing like that feeling of reading a manuscript or dummy and instantly falling in love with it and then being able to tell that author or illustrator that yes, we want to make it into a book! That little kick-​off celebratory feeling that you share with the creator just fuels the rest of the process for me.

RVC: What are the key elements that make a picture book story engaging and memorable for young readers?

CL: Readaloudability, which Word is saying isn’t a word, but we all know it is. Picture books are supposed to be read aloud. The read needs to hold up the first time and the hundredth time!

RVC: Absolutely!

CL: I’m trying to think of something clever that will pair with readaloudability that applies to images–illustration scanability? Storystration? Basically the illustrations need to have multiple places for little eyes to land on and explore. Most picture book readers aren’t reading–the images are all they have, so those images better be telling a story, too!

RVC: Terrific point, Celia. What are your thoughts on Back Matter?

CL: It’s great, but not needed for every book.

RVC: What about rhyme?

CL:  It’s so integral to the early story time experience, yet I’m seeing fewer and fewer rhyming stories. A really good rhyme builds connections and sticks with you and opens the door to a love of reading. But writing in rhyme is not for the faint of heart–you have to remember that with rhyme comes meter, and that usually throws folks off.

RVC: What’s your assessment of where the industry is today in terms of diversity and representation?

CL: We’ve made some progress, but there’s still a long way to go, especially at the manager and executive levels in all departments. (See the POC in Publishing Industry Survey or Lee & Low’s Diversity Baseline Survey for more info).

RVC: How can people like me—and teachers, librarians, students, parents, and children—help?

CL: I think it’s important to ask about it and to elevate voices that are advocating for a publishing industry that better reflects what our readership looks like. And to demand for more diverse books and authors in general, too–those numbers aren’t great, either.

RVC: Let’s help out some of the creatives who read this blog. What tips do you have for illustrators looking to appeal to S&S BFYR when it comes to building their portfolios?

CL: I’ve said this in other places, but illustrators should be sure that they not only show figures, but also full-​blown scenes in their portfolios. It’s great to see that you do characters really well, but can you show those characters moving and reacting? That’s a question that comes up a lot when we see an artist’s portfolio with potential–sure, they can draw, but can they tell a story with their work?

RVC: In other interviews, you’ve mentioned the importance of characters’ eyes in conveying emotions in picture books. Can you elaborate on other critical elements in illustrations that can heighten a child’s engagement with the story?

CL: This is going to be very vague, but I always say a great illustration goes beyond what’s written and shows something more. A great illustrator brings new ideas to the illustration, to the story.

RVC: Let’s not ignore the writer folks. Are there any specific themes or subjects that you’re particularly interested in picture books submissions at S&BFYR?

CL: I’m always in the market for humor and character-​based stories. And stories with a twist (or multiple twists, gasp!) delight me to no end.

RVC: What’s the most common reason to say no to a submission that’s 95% “got it goin’ on!” Where do writers tend to fall short of the I MUST BUY YOU impulse we all want editors to feel?

CL: Oooo that’s a hard one! I think there are so many factors that could contribute to that 5%. I feel like lately the endings are what’s bothering me. Right now, if that ending doesn’t deliver, then it really takes me out. But if you ask me that in six months, I’m sure I’ll have a different answer for you.

RVC: I’m curious—what’s your dream project to work on, if given the opportunity?

CL: I’ve gotten to work on so many dreamy books, but I guess my Everest is that perfect unreliable narrator story.

RVC: One last question for this part of the interview. Can you give us a sneak peek into some exciting new titles S&S BFYR has in the pipeline?

CL: There are so many good ones, so it’s hard to whittle it down, but a couple that are coming out in the next few months are I’m Going to Build a Snowman by Jashar Awan, Remembering by Xelena Gonzalez and illustrated by Adriana M. Garcia, and The Wishing Machine by Jonathan Hillman and illustrated by Nadia Alam.

RVC: Alright, Celia. It’s time to launch into the LIGHTNING ROUND! The point values are tripled and the One-​Minute Timer of DOOM*! is ready to get going. Are you ready? (*DOOM not guaranteed)

CL: Bring it on! I love answering things quickly, especially with the threat of DOOM!

RVC: Would you rather crank some tunes, read a book, or binge-​watch Netflix?

CL: I know as a book person, I’m supposed to say read a book, but I am a binge-​watching girly through and through! I just love stories in general, whatever that form might be.

RVC: If you could instantly become an expert in any field, what would you choose?

CL: Demolitions expert, hands down.

RVC: Your life is on the line. You need to sing one karaōke song to save it. What do you go with?

CL: I’ve been waiting for this question all my life. I pride myself on keeping an updated list of karaōke songs on my Notes app! My go-​to is “Call Me” by Blondie.

RVC: What’s the last picture book you read that actually made you LOL?

CL: Lucy Ruth CumminsA Hungry Lion, or A Dwindling Assortment of Animals. It’s just one big giggle fest for me.

RVC: What’s the One That Got Away?

CL: The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it!

RVC: Share a quote from a picture book you love.

CL:  Technically it’s a novelty book, but “I will love you as the iceberg loves the ship, and the passengers love the lifeboat and the lifeboat loves the teeth of the sperm whale, and the sperm whale loves the flavor of naval uniforms.” from The Beatrice Letters tickles me to no end.

RVC: Thanks so much, Celia! It was terrific having you stop by OPB to share your story. 

CL: Thanks for having me, Ryan! These are wonderful questions!

Educational Activities: One Small Thing by Marsha Diane Arnold (illustrated by Laura Watkins)

One Small Thing
Author: Marsha Diane Arnold
Illustrator: Laura Watkins
9 May 2023
Beaming Books
32 pages

Book description from Goodreads: “After Raccoon’s home burns down in a lightning storm, his friends don’t know what they can do to help. Squirrel, Beaver, Mouse, Badger, and Rabbit all go back to their own homes, trying to focus on something other than Raccoon’s tragedy. But each animal discovers one small thing they can do for Raccoon–and it turns out that each small act may not be so small after all.

A gentle and powerful look at how small actions can make a big impact.”

Need some reviews on One Small Thing?

Enjoy this interview with Marsha about One Small Thing at Jena Benton’s blog.

And feel free to check out the author’s own free Activity Guide to go with this book!

Educational Activities inspired by One Small Thing:

  • Before Reading–From looking at the front cover: 
    • What do you think the book will be about?
    • Who or what could “one small thing” be?
    • What emotion do the creatures on the cover seem to be feeling?
    • What does the setting tell you about the story?
    • Can you guess the main theme of the book?
    • What do you think the main character’s challenge might be?
    • What questions would you like to ask the author before reading the book?
  • After Reading–Now that you’ve read the story: 
    • Would you recommend this book to your friends? Why/​why not?
    • How did the “one small thing” in the story make a big difference?
    • How did the main character feel throughout the story?
    • What did you think about the ending?
    • Did anything in the story surprise you?
    • What lesson did you learn from the story?
    • Which picture did you like the most? Why?
    • How did the illustrations contribute to the story?
    • Did the colors in the book match the mood of the story? How so?
    • How did the illustrations help you understand the main character better?
    • Did the illustrations make you feel like you were in the story? How so?
  • Mindful Minute: The story invites us to slow down and appreciate the smaller things. Practice a Mindful Minute each day. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and focus on your senses. What can you hear, smell, or feel? It’s a great way to be present and appreciate small moments!
  • Tiny Treasures Artwork: Create an art piece using small objects you can find around your house or outdoors–like pebbles, leaves, or buttons. Each little piece contributes to the overall beauty, just like each small action can lead to significant results in the world around us.
  • Small Things Scavenger Hunt: Create a scavenger hunt focused on finding small things. Write a list of small items to find both inside and outside your home. It could include a red leaf, a button, a paper clip, etc. Have fun finding these small items and realize just how much you might overlook in your everyday life.
  • The Smallest Bake: With the help of an adult, bake a batch of mini cupcakes, cookies, or any treat you love. Enjoy the process of creating and, of course, eating them! This will show you how even small things can bring a big smile to your face.
  • My Small Hero Story: Just like the main character in the book, you can be a hero in small ways! Write a story where you perform small acts of kindness that make a big difference. Be creative, and remember that no action is too small to matter! Feel free to illustrate it, if you want. And consider sharing it with others to enjoy.
  • Further Reading: One Small Thing is about a number of topics, including helping others. Let’s look at other picture books that that explore that same idea. Which of these have you already read? Which of the others would you want to read first? (Click on any book cover for more information on these titles!)

Author Interview: Marsha Diane Arnold

This month’s Author Interview is with Marsha Diane Arnold. Her books have sold over one million copies, so what more do you need to know? 🙂

Alright, I’ll share a bit more.

Marsha’s lived on the West Coast, the Middle, and now, The East Coast (Florida), and she claims to love them all, but I think it’s clear which her favorite is. In addition to loving reading and writing, she’s a fan of bicycling, swimming, gardening, and scuba diving.

Her 23rd picture book, One Small Thing, just came out in May. Don’t worry, we’ll talk about it, along with a lot of other things.

Here are her social URLs.

And let’s end this introduction with a poem she wrote. Enjoy!


I’m a StoryMagician.
I play with words.
I arrange them in stories
So they can be heard.
I’m a StoryMagician.
I imagine new worlds.
I bring them to life
Like a shiny new pearl.
I’m a StoryMagician.
I’m awake! I’m aware!
I sit with my notebook
Writing stories to share.

MDA: “The Storymagician’s Chant” is one I used as a call and response with students, during school visits. We had a lot of fun. I can already tell this interview is going to be a lot of fun, too. Thank you for inviting me, Ryan!

RVC: You bet! Now, please share three words that describe your childhood. 

MDA:  Farmgirl, family-​oriented, barefoot.

RVC: When did you realize you were going to be a writer? 

MDA: I always loved reading and books. I majored in English literature in college, but I never thought about being a writer myself. That is, not until my children were born and I started writing a weekly newspaper column entitled homegrown treasures. It was about children, family, and life, usually from a humorous, yet heartfelt, perspective. One reviewer said of it: “She finds a universe in her backyard!” I was a writer!

RVC: How did that weekly column help prepare you for your work as a kidlit author?

MDA: I asked the editor of the newspaper if I could use a pseudonym for my homegrown treasures column; I was so nervous about people judging me. He advised that wasn’t a good idea for a local newspaper columnist. Ha. I was finally persuaded; my first column was published under Marsha Arnold.

During those ten years of writing a weekly column, I learned about discipline, structure, word limit, and how to write subtle humor. My true love was picture books, so during those ten years I also started a writer’s group for picture book authors. My first picture book was published ten years after I began writing homegrown treasures. By then, I wasn’t quite as nervous about people judging me. My first picture book was published under Marsha Diane Arnold.

RVC: What’s the story behind your first published book? 

MDA: My first book, Heart of a Tiger, was published in 1995. That was a long time ago and my memory is fading.

RVC: I’ll take whatever you recall or whatever you want to make up! 🙂

MDA: I think I was writing the story about myself, for myself. I only realized this long after it was published. Like the small kitten, Number Four, I wanted to give myself a name like Beautiful Bengal on Naming Day, but, like Four, I wasn’t worthy of that name and had no idea how to become worthy.

In a way, I wrote the story to show how each of us can find the courage to follow a “Magnificent One” and learn to become worthy. Even if what you aspire to is not possible, as it was not possible for Four to become a Bengal Tiger, what you hold in your heart can “grow in wisdom and power as you grow.”

RVC: What was the most important lesson you learned with that book?

MDA: Perhaps the most important lesson I learned from Heart of a Tiger was that I could do it. I could write a story that touched readers. Heart of a Tiger received some nice accolades – Best First Book by A New Author, three Children’s Choice Awards, Junior Library Guild Selection, and more. I could do it! I could “grow in wisdom.”

RVC: What a nice thing to happen with a first book!

MDA: More heartwarming than the awards was the personal reactions of readers. I autographed a book for one young reader when he was eight. Years later, after graduating from high school, he wrote to tell me that he still had the book and that whenever he had to make a difficult decision, he would reread it, using it as a guide.

RVC: Speaking of cool lessons, Waiting for Snow has a wonderful lesson about patience. How did you craft the narrative to deliver this message effectively for young readers?

MDA: I do love those patience lessons. Waiting is hard for everyone, especially for little ones. My book Badger’s Perfect Garden has a secondary theme of patience too. I believe my guiding light for Waiting for Snow was from Ecclesiastes: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” I do trust my guiding lights.

Messages are much more likely to be heard if humor is involved and if the story doesn’t go on too long. I recall working on that subtle humor for Waiting for Snow. I also cut my story over and over; I cut a character or two as well.

RVC: What was the biggest challenge with that book?

MDA: The biggest challenge may have been using quiet humor to show the friendship and support of Badger’s friends, even when they had different opinions.

My brilliant editor, Kate O’Sullivan, helped me “kill some of my darlings,” to create space so Renata Liwska’s always amazing illustrations could tell part of the story. I was happy to do so. Renata brought forth just what I wanted to show: Badger’s impatience and ingenuity. Waiting for Snow is actually dedicated to Kate and Renata, a dream editor and illustrator worth waiting for.

RVC: Let’s talk art notes. Where do you stand with these? 

MDA: I like art notes, but they must be efficient. They must be succinct. And they must not intrude on the illustrator’s creative vision.

In my nearly wordless book Lost. Found., illustrated by Matthew Cordell, I used lots of art notes. After all, there were only 18 words in the book. It needed some art notes!

RVC: What about rhyme?

MDA: I like rhyme, too! But it certainly can be challenging. For me, one of the challenges with a rhyming story, besides finding all those perfect rhyming words, is to give it that second layer of meaning, that depth, along with the lighthearted rhyme.

Roar of a Snore, my 2006 book from Dial, was an accumulated rhyming story. Children loved it, even memorizing it. It was a Dolly Parton Imagination Library selection three years in a row.

RVC: Nice!

MDA: My agent is currently submitting a rhyming manuscript for me. It’s humorous like Roar of a Snore. I’d really like to have another funny book published, but that kind of success is hard to replicate.

RVC: Please share one of your favorite moments (or a breakthrough) in your writing career.

MDA: I have experienced so many wonderful moments at the schools I’ve visited during my writing career. There was the school that had all the classes come into the auditorium in a conga line, drumming, in honor of Prancing Dancing Lily. There was the time the principal drove me to the school and I saw a huge constructed tornado on their roof! It was in honor of my book, The Bravest of Us All. What a grand time I had on school visits.

RVC: School visits can be awesome! Now, let’s talk about your most recent book, One Small Thing. What’s the logline?

MDA: When Raccoon’s home is destroyed by a lightning strike, the creatures of Brightly Wood think they’re too small to be of any help. But after returning to their homes and their individual lives, they pause and reflect, finally realizing they can each do one small thing.

RVC: This book and others you’ve written have a strong connection to nature. What inspired this in your writing?

MDA: I grew up on a farm in Kansas, near a lake. I spent summers with my grandparents, who lived in a small Colorado town, near streams and mountains. I’ve always loved nature and wildlife. I feel most at home in nature, surrounded by wildlife. So, it’s natural, I think, that nature inspires my writing.

RVC: In this book, how did you decide on the range of animal characters and their unique personalities?

MDA: I am definitely a pantser writer. I usually come up with a title and that title acts as a beacon, leading me through the story. My characters usually come to me rather easily, as if they’ve walked up and knocked on my door. I invite them in and we become friends quite quickly. I love that my character friends are so different, with different personalities and different ways of viewing the world.

RVC: That’s a lovely way to explain how a story comes together. What happens next?

MDA: I weave in little things as the story moves along, little things that help the reader know the characters. We know Raccoon loved his home by the river and that he had a pet cricket. That tells us a lot. We know Beaver, busy as she always is, gets to work on a new house for Raccoon right away. We are a bit surprised that grumpy Badger is so worried about Cricket and goes into the darkest part of Brightly Wood searching for “that silly cricket.” Of course, we needed an animal (Mouse) who made herb balms to soothe Raccoon’s burned feet, an animal who brewed calming teas (Squirrel) and an animal (Rabbit) who liked honey and honey bread, to provide nourishment. All together, the animals provide Raccoon’s basic needs and much more.

RVC: Let’s talk about process. How do you handle writer’s block and keep your creativity flowing?

MDA: I’m not a writer who writes daily…or even weekly. So, maybe I have writer’s block and don’t even know it! But when I am working daily on a project and get stuck, I go for a walk in nature or take a swim. Five minutes in the oak tree swing often works, too.

RVC: How has your writing evolved since you first started?

MDA: I used to meander about in my stories more than I do now. One reviewer referred to “Arnold’s meandering style,” even though she gave me an excellent review. That was in reference to The Pumpkin Runner, which was published in 1998. I love storytelling styles that take a journey up the hill or over the river before coming back to the main road, but those stories are harder to sell in today’s market. So, I try to reign my meandering ways in.

RVC: Are there any aspects of your writing that have remained consistent?

MDA: One person recently asked me, “How do you create depth and simplicity simultaneously?” That sounded more like a wonderful compliment than a question. Once I stopped blushing, I realized that I’ve likely always done that intuitively. It may be because I respect my audience so much. I know children can understand depth. The simplicity part is perhaps because the truest things are simple, humble, and unassuming.

RVC: Share a bit about how you revise. How do you know when a manuscript is ready to send out?

MDA: I rely a lot on my two writing critique groups. Once I have what I think is a good draft, I share my manuscript with them. After I ponder their feedback, I read my story aloud, over and over again, checking for rhythm, lyricism, wordiness. Is it ever really ready? Probably not, but at some point, we have to let go.

RVC: What’s the most valuable piece of feedback you’ve ever received on your writing? 

MDA: For me, the most valuable feedback is encouragement. Fairly early in my career, a librarian said, “Marsha Diane Arnold and her books treat kids as thinkers and speak of good things…kind of like Mr. Rogers.” I couldn’t ask for much more encouragement than that.

RVC: What role did SCBWI play in your writing career?

MDA: One of the first things I did when I decided to write for children was join the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. I think anyone serious about writing for children should be a member. They have been there from the beginning of my career, providing information and inspiration. In 2021, my Lights Out was a finalist for the SCBWI Golden Kite Award for picture book text. Thank you, SCBWI!

RVC: One last question for this part of the interview. What’s next for you? What should we be on the lookout for?

MDA: My next book will be out August 8th! Armando’s Island is an ode to the rainforest, its precious creatures, and those who bravely stand against its destruction. My hope is to bring awareness to the beauty and value of the world’s rainforests.

I wanted to bring my readers intimately into Armando’s world, so I used as much sensory detail as I could. The illustrations by Anne Yvonne Gilbert are spectacular. And when, on the opening spread, the child Armando looks directly at the reader, I feel intimacy is achieved.

I’m also excited about a manuscript I contracted for in January. Any day now I’ll be able to share the current title and who the illustrator will be, but not this day.

RVC: Alright, Marsha. It’s time for the much-​ballyhooed, never-​equaled SPEED ROUND. Let’s keep the questions fast and the answers even faster.  Are you ready?

MDA: Never. But let’s start anyway!

RVC: If you could only have one app on your phone, it’d be…

MDA: I could probably live without them all, but I do use Messages a lot. Is that considered an app. You see how techie I am?

RVC: If they made a movie about your writing career, what would the title be?

MDA: Meandering Marsha Stumbles Along; Serendipity Saves Her.

RVC: What makes your eyes roll every time you hear it?

MDA: The “word” “Anyways.”

RVC: What do you think you’re much better at than you actually are?

MDA: Nothing. I have a rather big inferiority complex.

RVC: Am I missing anything? What’s the question nobody ever asks you, but you wish they would?

MDA: What an intriguing question. Now I not only don’t know the answer to the question, I don’t know the question! Let’s see…

Here’s the question: “Your writing can be on the serious side. Do you ever do silly things?”

RVC: What’s the answer to that?

MDA: Yes, I’m serious-​minded, but I love to laugh and I laugh a lot. I can be silly. I see humor all around us. I can dance around the living room with my poodle. I can forgive myself and you too, if we get too serious. If you knew me well, you’d know that Joyful is my middle name, right next to Diane.

RVC: Final question. What’s the best feedback a kid’s given you?

MDA: Well, “I think you are the best writer in the whole galaxy,” was pretty nice. Then again, “You are one of my superheroes. One is my dad, the other is Jesus, and you,” was quite astounding.

RVC: Thanks so much, Marsha!

MDA: Thanks to you, Ryan…I think. This was almost as hard as writing a book! Just kidding. It was so kind of you to invite me to join you on this writerly interview. What fun!

Picture Book Reviews: Here I Can Be Mindful (Ally Condie); Oh No, the Aunts Are Here (Adam Rex); Stinkbird Has a Superpower (Jill Esbaum); Weather Together (Jessie Sima); When You Can Swim (Jack Wong)

Things went sideways at OPB this month, so instead of offering a normal picture book review where I write about the story and a pro illustrator writes about the art, we’re going a different route this time. We’re doing five-​word reviews for five picture books.

If you like this zippy new format, maybe we’ll try it again from time to time.


Here I Can Be Mindful
Author: Ally Condie
Illustrator: Jamie Kim
Viking Books for Young Readers
2 May 2023
32 pages

Five-​word review: Peaceful voyage through mindful awareness.

4.25 out of 5 Zen koans

Oh No, the Aunts Are Here
Author: Adam Rex
Illustrator: Lian Cho
Chronicle Books
23 May 2023
40 pages

Five-​word review: Boisterous, loving family reunion tale.
4.25 out of 5 family photos

Stinkbird Has a Superpower
Author: Jill Esbaum
Illustrator: Bob Shea
G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers
16 May 2023
32 pages

Five-​word review: Unique charm amid stinky adventures.

4.25 out of 5 stink waves

Weather Together (Not Quite Narwhal and Friends)
Author: Jessie Sima
Illustrator: Jessie Sima
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
2 May 2023
56 pages

Five-​word review: Unicorns explore emotional weather together.

4.75 out of 5 rainbow swirls

When You Can Swim
Author: Jack Wong
Illustrator: Jack Wong
Orchard Books
2 May 2023
48 pages

Five-​word review: Diverse, empowering, aquatic joy ride.

4.5 out of 5 diving boards

Editor” interview: ChatGPT‑4 as a NYC Big 5 Picture Book Editor

Things went kablooey this month when my intended interview subject–a human picture book editor–was unable to participate in time for this month’s post. It happens. I totally get it.

As a result, I figured I had three choices.

  1. Skip posting this Monday and see if anyone notices. (An internet “If a tree falls in a forest and no one’s around, does it still make a sound?” kind of experiment.)
  2. Run a Best-​of compilation that showcases some of the most memorable editor advice from previous posts.
  3. Do what everyone else seems to be doing–use AI to solve any problem we face.

#1 felt a little sad.

#2 felt like a lot of work.

That left #3 as the not-​quite-​clear-​cut-​option-​but-​else-​can-​I-​do? choice.

While I know there’s no replacement for the human component in creative industries, I’m interested to see how ChatGPT4 will fare–perhaps to smirk-​worthy results. We’ll see!

Rest assured, I’ll have humans partnering with me on future blog posts. Unless this post goes viral and I make a gazillion dollars. If that happens, I reserve the right to reconsider everything. 🙂

**Of course, I asked ChatGPT‑4 to come up with the questions, too, after sharing some of OPB’s previous posts to show the style, format, and sense of humor. It also wrote its own introductory bio, and for some reason, it’s using my last name. I don’t THINK we’re related, though. The images are prompted by ChatGPT‑4 and created in Midjourney, save for the single real-​world book cover–you’ll recognize it.**

This month’s Industry Insider Interview is with the incomparable Reginald Van Cleave, Senior Editor at a prestigious Big 5 New York City publisher. Known for his whimsical imagination and sharp editorial eye, he’s an alchemist of words and images in the world of picture books.

Reginald has been instrumental in the creation of countless award-​winning and bestselling titles. Some of his proudest moments include crafting The Day the Crayons Quit Climate Change and the captivating series, A Tiny Critter’s Big Adventure. With each project, Reginald seeks to blend the delightful with the meaningful, bringing stories to life that both enchant young readers and spark their curiosity about the world.

His journey in the publishing industry began at NYU, where he specialized in Children’s Literature and Art History. This unique combination armed him with a deep understanding of visual storytelling, a skill he wields to great effect in his current role.

When he’s not orchestrating the grand show of picture book publishing, Reginald indulges in his own secret talents—reading books upside down and perfecting the art of sushi-​making. His office, a creative chaos of sticky notes, vibrant highlighters, and a fortress of picture books, overlooks Central Park—the perfect space for dreaming up the next big hit.

Reginald champions the idea that a picture book is a magic carpet, taking children on journeys of discovery, fun, and learning. He’s like the Pied Piper of the publishing world, leading an ensemble of authors and illustrators in creating symphonies of words and art.

So, buckle up and join us as we dive into the wild, whimsical, and wonderful world of Reginald Van Cleave!

ChatGPT‑4: Can you please share a little about your professional journey that led you to become an editor at a Big 5 NYC publisher?

ChatGPT‑4: My career journey resembles a riveting, multi-​volume epic. It started in the foothills of editorial assistant-​ship where I tackled mountains of paperwork and brewed enough coffee to fill a small lake. From there, I graduated to higher roles, each one a new chapter, until I found my happily-​ever-​after in the world of picture books.

ChatGPT‑4: What first sparked your interest in picture books, and why do you continue to work in this specific genre?

ChatGPT‑4: Why picture books? That’s like asking why a butterfly loves flowers! The way words and images play tag on the pages has always fascinated me. I’m still entranced by this magical game, and it’s my absolute joy to be a part of it.

ChatGPT‑4: Can you describe a typical workday for you? How much of your time is spent in reading manuscripts, editing, meeting authors and illustrators, etc.?

ChatGPT‑4: A day in my life is akin to a three-​ring circus. I’m the ringmaster, gracefully managing a high-​wire act with manuscripts, lion-​taming the artistic egos, and juggling a flurry of meetings—all while trying to stop my coffee from turning into a magic disappearing act.

ChatGPT‑4: What’s your favorite part of your job as a picture book editor?

ChatGPT‑4: It’s when a book transforms from a caterpillar of rough sketches and raw text into a butterfly of full-​page illustrations and polished prose. There’s nothing like witnessing a new story spread its wings and take flight.

ChatGPT‑4: In your opinion, what are the key elements that make a great picture book?

ChatGPT‑4: Picture a cake—words form the sponge base, solid but often unremarkable on its own. The illustrations are the delectable icing, providing a visual feast that draws you in. Then comes the sprinkles—that elusive magic that brings delight, surprise, and depth, turning an ordinary cake into a treat to remember.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you balance the needs of both the child reader and the adult reader when evaluating a picture book manuscript?

ChatGPT‑4: Striking the right balance between adult and child readers is a bit like DJing a family party—you want to keep the kiddos dancing with catchy tunes, while also playing classics the adults can enjoy. It’s about weaving a tale that engages the child’s curiosity and entertains the adult’s sense of humor and insight.

ChatGPT‑4: What is the most common mistake you see from first-​time picture book authors?

ChatGPT‑4: They’re often like eager tour guides who spill all the secrets before the tour has truly begun, leaving no room for the reader’s imagination to explore.

ChatGPT‑4: How has the picture book industry changed since you’ve started working in it?

ChatGPT‑4: Picture books have grown from quaint black-​and-​white television shows to glorious technicolor blockbusters. Today’s books embrace a riot of styles, themes, and voices, with each one a unique portal into a world of wonder.

ChatGPT‑4: Talk about a few of the current trends you’re seeing in the picture book industry.

ChatGPT‑4: Imagine if a robot and a fairy were having a tea party while discussing global warming. Kids crave fun, fantastical elements meshed with real-​world themes that help them understand their place in the universe.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you see the role of diversity and representation in picture books evolving in today’s society?

ChatGPT‑4: Diversity and representation in picture books? It’s like a grand mosaic—each piece is unique, yet when brought together, they create a vibrant, captivating picture. The more diverse our characters and their experiences, the richer and more inclusive our literary landscape becomes.

ChatGPT‑4: What is the role of the editor in shaping and refining the story and illustrations of a picture book?

ChatGPT‑4: As an editor, I’m the friendly ghost, subtly influencing the story, helping authors and illustrators bring their vision to life. It’s like sculpting a topiary—you have to prune here, encourage growth there, until the raw hedge transforms into an intricate work of art.

ChatGPT‑4: Can you share an instance where you helped an author or illustrator significantly reshape their work for the better?

ChatGPT‑4: One memorable transformation involved a princess tale that morphed into an exciting adventure about a royal plumber. It was a change that not only subverted expectations but also promoted the idea of unconventional roles and dreams.

ChatGPT‑4: What do you look for in an illustrator’s portfolio? Any tips for illustrators hoping to break into the industry?

ChatGPT‑4: An illustrator’s portfolio should be a window into their unique world. For illustrators trying to make a mark, think of it like a peacock’s display—be bold, let your colors shine, and don’t be afraid to show off what makes you different.

ChatGPT‑4: How important is the author-​illustrator relationship in creating a successful picture book? How do you facilitate this relationship?

ChatGPT‑4: The relationship between author and illustrator is a well-​choreographed ballet. They must move in harmony, each contributing to the performance while I, the editor, play the role of the conductor, ensuring the show is seamless.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you decide whether a book will be a standalone or part of a series?

ChatGPT‑4: Deciding whether a book will be a standalone or part of a series involves several considerations. Firstly, the story’s narrative arc is crucial. If the plot naturally concludes and satisfies readers within a single book, it may work best as a standalone. However, if the story has the potential for further development, unresolved threads, or a broader story world, a series could be a suitable choice. Market demand and reader engagement also play a role. If a book resonates strongly with readers and shows potential for continued interest, extending it into a series can capitalize on that success. Ultimately, the decision hinges on the story’s narrative possibilities, reader engagement, and market viability.

ChatGPT‑4: Could you please discuss the process of creating a picture book from receiving the initial manuscript to the final publication?

ChatGPT‑4: Creating a picture book is a grand adventure. It begins with the quest for the perfect story (the manuscript), journeys through the realm of art (illustrations), faces trials of refinement (editing), and finally triumphs with the treasure in hand (publication).

ChatGPT‑4: What role do you believe picture books play in child literacy and development?

ChatGPT‑4: Picture books are the stepping stones in a child’s journey towards literacy. They’re like magic carpets that not only transport children into different worlds but also help them navigate the vast seas of language, emotions, and ideas.

ChatGPT‑4: Can you name a picture book you recently worked on that you’re particularly proud of, and why?

ChatGPT‑4: A recent book I’m particularly proud of is The Day the Crayons Quit Climate Change. It’s a delightful yet impactful tale that combines humor, drama, and a little bit of science to convey a profound message about environmental responsibility.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you handle the tension between commercial viability and artistic creativity when selecting a manuscript?

ChatGPT‑4: Balancing commercial viability and artistic creativity is like walking a tightrope while juggling flaming torches—it’s a risky, delicate act. But with the right mix of intuition, experience, and a dash of daring, it’s an act that often leads to the most exciting and impactful books.

ChatGPT‑4: How does the rise of digital media impact the picture book industry, and how are you adapting to it?

ChatGPT‑4: Well, it’s like discovering a new continent. It brings new challenges, but also new opportunities for storytelling. In this new landscape, we’re learning to create picture books that can leap off the page and come alive on the screen.

ChatGPT‑4: Can you describe some of the challenges of translating a picture book into different languages and cultures?

ChatGPT‑4: Translating a picture book into different languages and cultures is like turning a 2D sketch into a 3D model—you have to consider all the angles, make sure the essence of the story is captured, and that it resonates with the audience, no matter where they’re from.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you handle negative reviews or criticism of the books you’ve edited?

ChatGPT‑4: Handling negative reviews is like wrestling with a rhino—you don’t take it personally, you learn from it, and most importantly, you keep your sense of humor intact. Every book won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay.

ChatGPT‑4: What advice would you give to aspiring authors or illustrators wanting to break into the picture book industry?

ChatGPT‑4: Dive deep into your craft and soak up all the knowledge you can get. Picture books are all about connecting with those little readers, so make sure you understand what makes them tick. Polish your work until it shines brighter than a supernova. Build a portfolio that’s bursting with your unique style and creative genius. Do your homework on publishers who are hungry for picture book magic and follow their guidelines like a boss.

Most importantly, develop a voice that’s unmistakably YOU, something that makes editors go, “Wow, we need more of this!”

ChatGPT‑4: In your opinion, how will the picture book industry evolve in the next five years?

ChatGPT‑4: The picture book industry will continue to evolve dynamically over the next five years. Technology will play a significant role, with digital platforms and interactive experiences becoming more prevalent. We can expect augmented reality and virtual reality elements to enhance storytelling. Diverse voices and inclusive content will gain further prominence, reflecting the diverse world we live in. Collaborations between authors, illustrators, and multimedia experts will push boundaries and create innovative picture book experiences. Sustainability and eco-​consciousness may also become more important themes. Ultimately, the picture book industry will embrace new mediums, perspectives, and technologies, keeping the magic of storytelling alive for young readers.

ChatGPT‑4: On a personal note, do you have a favorite picture book from your own childhood? How has it influenced your work as an editor?

ChatGPT‑4: Where the Wild Things Are. It’s an exquisite blend of imagination, emotion, and artistry that captivated me as a child and continues to inspire me as an editor. After all, we’ve all got a little wild thing inside us, haven’t we?

ChatGPT‑4: We’re about to embark on a whirlwind journey, otherwise known as the Lightning Round. Fasten your seat belt and prepare for takeoff, Reginald. Are you ready to blaze a trail through these rapid-​fire questions?

ChatGPT‑4: Ah, the Lightning Round! My teacup is refilled, my monocle is polished, and my wit is at the ready. Let’s dash through these questions with the verve of a zebra galloping across the Serengeti!

ChatGPT‑4: What secret talent do you have that no one would suspect?

ChatGPT‑4: I can read books upside down. Yes, it comes in handy when I’m working across the table from an illustrator!

ChatGPT‑4: You can only eat one food for the rest of your life. What is it?

ChatGPT‑4: Definitely sushi! An endless supply of colorful, bite-​sized stories, each with a surprise inside—much like a picture book, don’t you think?

ChatGPT‑4: Five things we’d see if we checked out your favorite writing/​editing place.

ChatGPT‑4: You’d see: a tempest of sticky notes, a rainbow of highlighters, an army of coffee mugs, a view of Central Park, and of course, a fortress of picture books.

ChatGPT‑4: What’s the One That Got Away?

ChatGPT‑4: A tale about a stubborn unicorn who refused to believe in humans. It was whimsical, heartwarming, and unfortunately, slipped through our fingers.

ChatGPT‑4: Who sets the standard for writing picture books with heart?

ChatGPT‑4: It has to be Mo Willems. His Pigeon, Elephant, and Piggie have moved us to tears and laughter in equal measure, all while teaching us a thing or two about friendship and perseverance.

ChatGPT‑4: Write a haiku that sums up your picture book philosophy.


Words and pictures dance,
Children’s laughter the sweet tune,
Magic in their hands.

ChatGPT‑4: This has been fun and interesting. Thanks for playing along.

ChatGPT‑4: Ah, well, it’s been an absolute delight waltzing through this whimsical wonderland of questions with you. As we close this chapter and look to the next, remember, dear reader, that in the world of picture books, anything is possible. So, keep turning the pages, keep dreaming in color, and most importantly, keep the kettle on for that next cup of imagination-​infused tea. From my circus of manuscripts to yours, thank you and happy reading!

Educational Activities: Bitsy Bat, School Star by Kaz Windness

Bitsy Bat, School Star
Author: Kaz Windness
Illustrator: Kaz Windness
6 June 2023
Simon & Schuster/​Paula Wiseman Books
48 pages

Book description from Goodreads: “A little bat struggles to fit in only to learn to celebrate differences in this heartfelt picture book from an autistic perspective about starting school, making friends, and seeing what makes each person special.

Bitsy is a little bat with big star dreams of making friends at her new school. But when she arrives, Bitsy doesn’t feel like she fits in. The other kids sit on their chairs, but being right-​side-​up makes Bitsy dizzy. The other kids paint with their fingers, but Bitsy would rather use her toes. Everyone tells Bitsy she’s doing things wrong-​wrong-​wrong, so she tries harder…and ends up having a five-​star meltdown.

Now Bitsy feels like a very small star and doesn’t want to go back to school. But with help from her family, Bitsy musters her courage, comes up with a new plan, and discovers that being a good friend is just one of the ways she shines bright!”

Need some reviews on Bitsy Bat, School Star?

Enjoy this interview with Kaz about her book at The Children’s Book Review.

Educational Activities inspired by Bitsy Bat, School Star:

  • Before Reading–From looking at the front cover: 
    • Can you predict what the story might be about based on the cover?
    • Does this seem like it’s going to be a scary story? Why/​why not?
    • What emotion does the bat seem to be feeling?
    • What do you know about bats? How do they live? What do they eat? How do they see at night?
    • What does it mean be a “star”? How might that be different from a “school star”?
  • After Reading–Now that you’ve read the story: 
    • Would you recommend this book to your friends? Why/​why not?
    • How did Bitsy Bat feel at school? Why do you think she felt that way?
    • What were some of the things that Bitsy found difficult to do? How did she manage these difficulties?
    • How did Bitsy’s friends and family help her when things got tough?
    • How did Bitsy feel when her father told her she was a special star? How do you think this helped her?
    • What is something new you learned about autism from reading this book?
    • How did the other animals in the story react to Bitsy’s differences?
    • How do you think Bitsy’s experiences might be similar to those of a child with autism?
    • What can we learn from Bitsy about embracing our differences and those of others?
  • Create Your Own Cave: Like Bitsy Bat, you can create your own cozy and calm space. Find a quiet corner in your room and build a fort with pillows and blankets. Make it a place where you can retreat when you need some quiet time. This can be your “Bat Cave,” just like Bitsy’s! How do you feel when you’re in your quiet space?
  • Sound and Light Exploration: Bitsy sometimes finds things too bright or too loud. Explore your surroundings to find places or things that are too bright or too loud for you. What could you do to make those situations more comfortable? Discuss these findings with your friends or family members.
  • What Makes You a Star: Bitsy is a special star because of her uniqueness. What makes you a star? Draw a picture or write a story about what makes you special. Remember, everyone has unique strengths, and it’s our differences that make us shine brighter!
  • Design a Squishmallow: Bitsy has stuffies that help comfort her. If you could design your own comfort toy or “Squishmallow,” what would it look like? Draw a picture or describe it in writing. Remember, it’s okay to seek comfort in the things we love, just like Bitsy does!
  • Further Reading–As the author explains in the back matter, the main character in this story has autism. Let’s look at some other picture books that include characters with autism to compare and contrast with Bitsy Bat, School Star. Which of these have you already read? Which of the others would you want to read first? (Click on any book cover for more information on these titles!)