Author Interview: Lisa Rogers

This month on the OPB Author-​Illustrator Interview Series, we’re delighted to feature Lisa Rogers—a former elementary school librarian turned award-​winning author! Lisa’s picture books, including 16 Words: William Carlos Williams and “The Red Wheelbarrow” and Beautiful Noise: The Music of John Cage, celebrate fascinating historical figures and creative expression. Her work has garnered starred reviews, prestigious awards, and recognition for its engaging storytelling and lyrical writing.

Lisa’s path to children’s literature was inspired by her career as a librarian, where she discovered her love for sharing stories with young readers. When she’s not crafting her next picture book, Lisa enjoys running, kayaking, and spending time with her loud and lovable hound. Join us as we explore her creative journey, the stories behind her books, and what’s next on the horizon!

RVC: Where did you grow up, and what role did books or libraries play in your childhood?

LR: I grew up in a tiny town on the Jersey shore. It had a little library above an old building that housed the police station. There was a turned staircase, and at the top of the landing, perched on a shelf in front of a stained-​glass window, was a full set of Beatrix Potter’s books. It seemed like the most magical place in the world.

RVC: It sure sounds like it!

LR: I learned to read at a young age, and that’s pretty much all I did. As there were no bookstores nearby, I relied on the library and the books we had at home. Besides encyclopedias, I read poetry, fairytales and folktales—Italo Calvino’s Italian tales, tales from Japan and West Africa, The Thousand and One Nights, and the art, poetry, and biography volumes of Childcraft, which was a multi-​volume resource for kids. I had some Golden Books and can still recite Margaret Wise Brown’s Home for a Bunny. Garth Williams’ endearing illustrations made me love animals.

RVC: Being both a librarian and a children’s author gives you a unique perspective. How did your time curating books for children influence the kinds of stories you wanted to write yourself?

LR: Choosing, sharing, and reading thousands of books aloud was a joy and the absolute best training for a writer. I got to choose the best books I could find! It was my job to read as many as I could! I could pick books I knew students would love (pangolins, please)!

RVC: Yes, pangolins. Plus penguins. And other awesome animals that start with p!

LR: When I started the job, the biography section was dated and abysmal, full of chapter books with invented dialogue. Then talented writers like Jen Bryant and Candace Fleming began making beautiful picture book biographies. I fell in love with them. I tried to write other types of stories, but it now seems natural that my debut, 16 Words, was a picture book biography.

RVC: I’m not at all surprised, either! We’ll come back to this book in a moment. What’s the most common misconception about being a librarian?

LR: We’ve come a long way from the wire-​rimmed glasses-​wearing, hair-​in-​a-​bun, finger-​to-​the-​lips stereotype, but when people ask “Do you still teach the Dewey Decimal System?” as if that’s what being a library teacher is all about, I can’t help but sigh. Sure, each library has its system of organization that students need to learn, but no one’s teaching them to memorize decimals. At least I hope not!

But most folks don’t know what a library teacher does. So I guess Dewey is the go-to.

RVC: After more than two decades as a librarian, what inspired you to take the leap from curating stories to creating your own? 

LR: I had long wanted to be an author, but I needed to earn a living. My first career was as a news reporter; I only fell in love with children’s books when I became a library teacher. I got up the courage to take an SCBWI workshop on writing for children. I started a blog narrated by my hound dog (whose daily Plops o’ Doom inspired Hound Won’t Go), formed a critique group, wrote lots of terrible stories, and became part of the vibrant group of children’s writers in the Boston area.

RVC: Let’s jump to your debut picture book, which celebrates William Carlos Williams and “The Red Wheelbarrow.” What drew you to his poetry?

LR: I’d known “The Red Wheelbarrow” poem since I was a child, so Williams’ imagist style of writing must have imprinted itself on me in some way. That’s similar to the type of poetry I write. I’m an observer, and as a kid spent a lot of time sketching and thinking about whatever was around me. I still do. I love lots of different kinds of poetry, but the ones that leave a lot of space for pondering are my favorites.

RVC: Beautiful Noise is such a unique subject for a picture book. What drew you to John Cage’s work, and how did you make his experimental music accessible to young readers?

LR: I was a noticing and listening child. Growing up at the beach, I paid attention to the sounds of the waves whacking the shore and shushing back and seagulls and constant wind and radios tuned to the Yankee game and lifeguard whistles and kids shouting over it all —all of that. I distinctly remember listening for silence and realized, like Cage, that there was no such thing.

RVC: The best poets and picture book makers learn how to really pay attention, so it’s no shocker that they notice things like this.

LR: I knew about Cage’s “silent” piece, 4’33,”and was intrigued when I saw a photo of Cage listening to a miked cactus as he ran a feather on its spines. But I got caught up in the many fascinating details of his life and work. I pared down the manuscript, added lots of onomatopoeia, narrowed it to just 4’33,” and then, feeling like I couldn’t do Cage’s genius justice, set it aside.

I’d never written in second person before, but a while later, without even thinking about it, that’s how it came out—scribbled on a notepad in one go. It wasn’t a conscious decision, but it turned out to be absolutely the right way to introduce him to children. It’s fun to read aloud and kids immediately catch on to the refrain which makes it even more fun.

RVC: Can you tell us more about the process of researching Beautiful Noise and how you captured John Cage’s creative spirit?

LR: I listened to his music, watched video, went to performances, consulted with composers and scholars, researched newspaper accounts and any book or article I could find, contacted the John Cage Trust to be sure the manuscript was accurate, but with all of that, there was so much compelling material that it got in the way of capturing his spirit. It took stepping away for me to really understand how to do that. It’s still rather mysterious to me. I recommend letting the subconscious take over.

RVC: You’re known for your meticulous research process. What are some surprising discoveries you’ve made while researching your picture book biographies?

LR: Wow, thanks for that great compliment! I found it surprising that my subjects’ lives connected with each other.

Joan Mitchell knew William Carlos Williams through Mitchell’s mother, who was an editor of Poetry magazine; he and poets Edna St. Vincent Millay and Carl Sandburg visited her Chicago home. Cage and Williams knew each other, as did Mitchell and Cage.

RVC: Wow!

LR: Joan Mitchell’s work often was compared to that of Claude Monet, and her home in Vétheuil, France, overlooked a house where Monet once lived. She purported to not appreciate the comparison, but I wonder what she really thought.

RVC: You’ve written both nonfiction and rhyming picture books. How does your process differ between the two?

LR: The same process works best for both–a strong emotion evokes an idea, and I turn that idea around in my mind for a while before I put anything on the page. Then I write words using a soft lead pencil on (preferably) unlined paper and don’t look at it for a while.

RVC: Let’s talk agents. You’re represented by Erzsi Deak at Hen & Ink Literary. How did you find her, and what makes your partnership work so well?

LR: I sent the bones of 16 Words to Erzsi through a submission opportunity provided by the 12 x 12 Writing Challenge. The manuscript was truly that—bones–but she saw something in it and encouraged me to add on a bit more; which apparently succeeded! It really has been a great partnership. I can rely on her to let me know if something isn’t working, and she’ll respect my decision to pull back on a submission if I think it needs revising. I’m so lucky to be agented by someone who gets me, who’s open and honest and smart and believes in me. Plus, she’s fun. She’s the best.

RVC: You mentioned SCBWI before, but I want to circle back. How has being part of communities like this (and The Writers’ Loft) helped you grow as a writer?

LR: They’ve meant everything to my growth–workshops, support, critiques, and most of all, encouragement. The New England SCBWI conference launched me into this kidlit world (this year’s is in Stamford, CT, in May—be there if you can!). I remember a Loft get-​together where I shared that I’d received a champagne rejection and everyone urged me to not give up, so I didn’t. Kidlit writers are such generous people!

RVC: And in the spirit of that generosity…if you could give one piece of advice to your younger self when you were just starting out as a writer, what would it be?

LR: Don’t let fear and self-​doubt in the way of trying to reach your goal. And don’t take so darn long to realize that!

RVC: What’s been your proudest moment as a children’s author so far?

LR: When I found out that 16 Words was going to be reviewed in The New York Times Book Review. My husband proposed to me over The Times—yep, he actually stopped reading and got down on one knee— and the book review is the first section I read on Sundays. I never, ever dreamed that a book I wrote would appear there. Nina Crews wrote the review, and when I saw her at the 2024 Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival, I immediately ran over to thank her for that fabulous, unforgettable moment. It was unbelievably special.

RVC: What can I say but “Wow!” again. But here’s one last question for this part of the interview. What’s coming up next for you? Any new books or exciting projects you can share?

cover.jpegLR: Absolutely! It’s kind of a big year! I’m really excited about two upcoming picture books: Joan Mitchell Paints a Symphony, about the abstract artist’s creative process, gorgeously illustrated by Stacy Innerst, and out in just a couple of weeks!

RVC: Congrats!

LR: Woody’s Words: Woodrow Wilson Rawls and Where the Red Fern Grows, illustrated by Susan Reagan, is coming out in September. Rawls’ life story is amazing, and Susan knows how to illustrate hounds, that’s for sure. It’s a beautiful book!

And I’m so honored that my poem, “If I Could Choose a Best Day,” was chosen for Irene Latham and Charles Waters’ anthology. If that wasn’t enough, they picked my poem’s title as the book title! That will be out in March and, with its lovely collages by Olivia Sua, it is a wonderful gift for any child.

RVC: It’s time for The Speed Round, Lisa. We’re going with ziptastically fast questions and zapalicious-​quick answers. Are you prepared for this challenge?

LR: Ryan, except when running, often pulled by my dog, I am not speedy, but I’ll try.

RVC: Favorite snack to fuel a writing session?

LR: No crumbs on the laptop! A tall cup of Harney Hot Cinnamon Spice tea to sip while pondering the birds at the feeder.

RVC: Which children’s book character would you want to spend a day with?

LR: Pooh. Or maybe Eeyore. I’d like to cheer him up. But probably not for a whole day.

RVC: Tucker (your rescue dog) gets to pick your next book subject—what do you think he’d choose?

LR: The science of sniffing. Or howling. The value of a good long nap. His untold backstory.

RVC: Your all-​time favorite library memory.

LR: Whoa! Pulling out one memory in 20 years of teaching amazing kids is so not possible…but here are a few:

  • When a first-​grader asked for a book on fusion, and I had one that they could read.
  • The day everyone, it seemed, left their baby teeth on the story rug.
  • When a student asked me if one of my colleagues was my dad.
  • The first grader who led book club discussions after library class.
  • Any time kids came in excited to be there and left happy.

You really didn’t expect just one memory, right?

RVC: What’s an underappreciated picture book you recommend to kid readers?

LR: Trick question! Any book can be underappreciated unless you take time to study its genius. Kids know how to do that; it’s adults who don’t always remember.

RVC: What legacy do you hope your books leave behind for readers?

LR: I hope they’ll feel that they have something special to share that the world needs and will appreciate—that their unique selves have worth beyond measure.

RVC: Thanks so much, Lisa!

Picture Book Review: Ramon Fellini the Dog Detective, by Guilherme Karsten

Ramon Fellini the Cat Dog Detective
Author: Guilherme Karsten
Illustrator: Guilherme Karsten
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
11 February 2025
44 pages

This month’s PB review is by Ryan G. Van Cleave (Owner/​Operator of Only Picture Books) and author-​illustrator Bonnie Kelso, a good friend of the OPB family.

Ryan’s Review of the Writing

A quiet night. A sudden crash. A beloved pet fish lying helpless outside its shattered bowl. Who’s responsible for this crime? Enter Ramon Fellini, self-​proclaimed dog detective—who, let’s be honest, looks an awful lot like a cat. But he insists he’s a “Master of Disguise,” and with his impeccable costume (his words), he’s on the case.

From the jump, Karsten sets up a wonderfully absurd premise: a detective who’s clearly not what he claims to be, conducting an investigation that makes less and less sense the longer it goes on. The narrator—a well-​meaning but gullible child—takes everything Fellini says at face value, while readers can see the truth hiding in plain sight. That contrast between what’s said and what’s actually happening is where the humor really shines.

The dialogue is quick and punchy, giving Fellini the dramatic flair of a hardboiled detective…if that detective was deeply self-​serving and hilariously bad at his job. His interrogation technique? Mostly asking whether there are any other fish in the house. His crime scene investigation? A lot of suspicious sniffing. His big revelation? Well, let’s just say it’s not one the narrator sees coming, even if the rest of us do.

Karsten’s text is simple but sharp, relying on repetition, wordplay, and well-​timed reveals to land the jokes. Younger kids will enjoy the silliness of Fellini’s disguise and antics, while older readers will catch the slyer humor—the way he keeps almost admitting his guilt, the ridiculousness of his “expert” detective work, and the deadpan way the narrator takes it all in. It’s a book that rewards close attention, since so much of the story is in what’s not being said.

The ending? Let’s just say it’s darkly funny in the best way. The narrator still believes Fellini is a top-​notch detective, while everyone else (including the reader) knows better. It’s a satisfying, if slightly twisted, conclusion to a mystery that was never really a mystery at all.

If you’re a fan of Jon Klassen’s Hat books—where characters insist on their own version of events despite evidence to the contrary—this one might hit the same sweet spot.

If there’s one small place where the book doesn’t quite stick the landing, it’s that the story leans more on humor than tension. While kids will love spotting Fellini’s obvious deception, the “mystery” itself is played for laughs rather than building any real suspense. A touch more intrigue before the big reveal could have made the payoff even sharper.

Ramon Fellini the Dog Detective is an offbeat take on the detective genre, perfect for young readers who enjoy a bit of irony and a lot of laughs. It’s the kind of book where kids will shout “Wait a minute!” long before the narrator catches on, and that’s exactly what makes it fun.

4.25 out of 5 trench coats 🕵️🕵️🕵️🕵️

Bonnie’s Review of the Illustrations

Guilherme Karsten’s illustrations in film noir style is just enough to evoke mystery and drama without being utterly terrifying for young readers.

**Spoiler alert: this is a story about a murderer who cleverly covers his tracks with some smooth talking.**

The cover art introduces long shadows, which are used throughout to build tension and direct your eye toward particular clues. I especially enjoy the use of patterns throughout which bring texture and quirkiness to the scenes. The spread featuring Ramon’s adorable evidence board is a good example of how shadows can bring depth to an otherwise flat (2‑D) illustration style. The limited color palette works well, incorporating enough darkness to set the mood, but leaving a few pops of color to exaggerate clues and the sweet naïveté of the child character.

One criticism of the art is that there are two onomatopoeia pieces of type in the beginning and I would have liked to see more consistency in the type treatment there. Also, there isn’t any more of this throughout the book and I think the story could have benefited from a few more sounds called out. Perhaps a “slurp” as Ramon licks the pitcher containing our goldfish victim, or a “rattle, rattle” as Ramon peers through the horizontal blinds.

Ramon’s gestures throughout are perfectly composed, emphasizing his confidence and mischievous personality. The goldfish is also quite expressive, and I am grateful that we were spared seeing his ultimate demise. The excitement of the neighborhood cats was just enough to confirm the goldfish’s fate. Ultimately, I enjoyed the book and think it would be a fun read for a less sensitive child.

4.75 out of 5 cat whiskers 🐱🐱🐱🐱

Bonnie Kelso has always been a fan of dogs, cats and fish. Her upcoming release Dexter the Stand-​Up Dog is available for pre-​order now. It is the inspiring true story of the internet celebrity canine who taught himself how to walk upright after losing a leg in an accident. Co-​written by Kentee Pasek, Dexter’s owner, you can see the real Dexter on Instagram @DexterDogOuray.

A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, Bonnie’s past experience in art spans a spectrum, from abstract painting on canvas to museum-​quality exhibit design. She has worked with clients such as the Smithsonian, National Geographic, and NASA.

She lives in Las Vegas with her partner, two sons, a Boston Terrier, and an unruly cat. To learn more about Bonnie’s work, please visit

Agent Interview: Sam Farkas (Jill Grinberg Literary Management)

Welcome to Sam Farkas, a literary agent at Jill Grinberg Literary Management who helps bring innovative and impactful picture books to life. With a background in publishing that includes subsidiary rights at Penguin and extensive experience connecting authors and illustrators with global audiences, Sam is passionate about championing stories that captivate young readers.

Her tastes lean toward picture books with kid-​friendly texts that beg to be read aloud, out-​of-​the-​box nonfiction, and books that celebrate our multicultural world. Recent sales like Eight-​Nine-​Tengineers and Floor It! showcase her knack for finding stories that combine heart, creativity, and meaningful messages. In this interview, Sam shares insights into the world of picture book publishing, what she looks for in submissions, and how she supports creators in crafting unforgettable books.

Learn more about Sam here:

RVC: When you were a kid, was it obvious you’d end up in a book-​related career?

SF: In hindsight, yes. I was always reading and writing. Then, as a teen, I spent a lot of time reading publishing blogs (mostly written by agents) because I found the industry so fascinating, but I viewed it more through the lens of wanting to be an author. At that time, I was very against the idea of living in New York City (how that has changed!), so I didn’t think publishing would be open to me. It wasn’t until college that I seriously considered it as a career path.

College of William & Mary – Logos DownloadRVC: Let’s talk about college then. You attended William & Mary as an undergraduate. What did you study there, and how has it shaped your approach to agenting?

SF: When I went to college, I thought I was going to be an archaeologist. I loved history, and I had a very romanticized view of the archaeology field. However, after a semester cleaning potsherds with a toothbrush, I decided that it was not for me, so I abandoned those courses and declared myself a double major in English and History. That said, I still sometimes view my work as an agent through an archaeological lens, especially when I’m digging through the slush. The thrill of discovery. Putting pieces together to unearth a great story. Polishing things up until they shine (with an edit letter, not a toothbrush).

RVC: That’s a lovely way of thinking about it. Now, you worked at Barnes & Noble for a while after college. How useful was that for your future career in the publishing industry?

SF: Very! When I was first interviewing for publishing jobs in 2015, that was the piece of my resume that the hiring managers asked about the most. As a student, it’s easy to get lost in the books you have to read for coursework; working at Barnes & Noble reminded me what’s being published and selling now. (Also, I met my husband while working there, so it was a very influential time in my life!)

RVC: Bonus score! Eventually, you worked directly in publishing as a rights coördinator. How did that prepare you for agenting?

SF: There is a lot of crossover, as both are all about selling rights. The main difference is that as an agent you’re also doing editorial work and managing an author’s career. It’s more overarching. But my time as a rights coördinator taught me how to pitch, how to negotiate deals, how to do a contract, what different markets look like and what we can expect from them.

RVC: What’s a common misconception about book rights?

SF: A lot of new writers don’t think about subrights at all. Or they think that rights sales are a given, when in fact there are a lot of factors that affect how and whether a book sells subrights. A rhyming picture book, for example, is going to have trouble in the translation market—translating rhyme is hard!

Another example: preferences in art style vary dramatically territory-​by-​territory, so what works here doesn’t necessarily work overseas. I’ve sat in many a meeting where I’ve been told, “This will never work for France!” (French editors, if you’re reading, I think you’re great!)

RVC: How has your love for travel and global cultures influenced the way you think about the picture book market?

SF: This isn’t specific to picture books, but I’m often thinking about what makes books appealing to foreign markets—it’s more complicated than whether something is a great book. It can be the length (shorter is better, as translation adds to the page count), details in the art (yellow school buses? Too American), even the genre itself (horror is not nearly as popular overseas as it is here). While it doesn’t affect whether I offer on something, I get really excited when I see a lot of translation potential. It’s special to see a book resonate with readers around the world.

RVC: What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned since joining JGLM in 2018?

SF: Oh, I have to pick just one? I’m going to cheat and pick two.

RVC: Go for it!

SF: 1) Trust your gut. It’s usually correct.

2) It’s okay to be the bearer of bad news. It’s no secret that there are a lot of things in publishing that are very difficult, whether that’s books dying on submission or lackluster marketing support. It’s tempting to try to sugarcoat it, but that helps no one—we have to be honest with our authors and support them as best we can.

RVC: What’s the story behind the first picture book you sold as agent?

SF: The first book I sold as an agent was Charlotte Gunnufson’s Dream Submarine. I had admired Charlotte’s work from my Penguin days—I was there when her book Prince & Pirate published—so I was really excited to represent her.

Dream Submarine is a beautifully multifaceted bedtime book about the ocean at night, and it sold to Candlewick pretty quickly once we took it out on submission.

RVC: The biggest lesson that book taught you was…

SF: Trust your gut! We discussed a lot of projects before deciding which to take out on submission, and there were many strong contenders, but this one felt right. Sometimes, you can’t put into words why one project feels more right than the others, but listen to your instincts.

RVC: In your opinion, what makes a great counting book, like Eight-​Nine-​Tengineers, or other concept-​driven picture books?

SF: It has work on multiple levels. It’s not enough to just be a counting book, or a colors book, or an ABC book—it has to do something else, too, such as tell a great story or bring in additional educational content. Charlotte Gunnufson’s Eight-​Nine-​Tengineers is a counting book, but it’s also a kid-​friendly introduction to environmental engineering, showing how we can work together to build a greener planet.

RVC: When assessing a manuscript, what’s the first thing that makes you think, “Now THIS is something I need to represent”?

SF: I can’t stop thinking about it. When I read a picture book manuscript, I usually know right away if it’s a “no,” but if it’s not a quick “no,” then it goes in my “take a closer look” pile. Occasionally, I will forget about it there, and then that tells me that it wasn’t a good fit and I let it go; but if I keep opening that manuscript, read it multiple times, and can’t let it go, then that’s a sign that I want to work on it.

RVC: How do you support your clients during the submission process, especially when navigating feedback or rejections?

SF: I let the author take the lead in how they’d like me to handle feedback or rejections. Every author is different: some want to hear every bit of news, some only want the highlights, others don’t want to hear a peep until it’s a “yes.” I trust my clients to know what’s best for their mental health, and I’ll work to accommodate that so they can focus on the writing.

RVC: I’m sure authors appreciate your flexibility there.

SF: If we get a pattern of feedback in the passes—multiple editors saying the same thing—then we’ll pause and see if we might be able to address it before taking the book out on submission again. Or if there’s no specific editorial feedback, but the book just isn’t hitting for whatever reason, sometimes we’ll pull it and move on to a different text. The nice thing about picture book writers is they tend to be prolific—if something isn’t working on submission, there’s always a new project waiting in the wings.

RVC: What advice would you give to creators choosing comp titles for their picture book manuscripts?

SF: Choose books that published within the last 5–7 years. Choose books that have done well, but try to avoid mega-​hits, as those tend to be outliers.

RVC: In your “wish list” online, you’ve mentioned a love for out-​of-​the-​box nonfiction. What kinds of nonfiction picture books are you hoping to see in your inbox?

SF: Ah, tricky! I don’t really know until I see it, but I do know that I’m burnt out on picture book biographies. I love picture book bios, but I’ve struggled to sell them, so I’m hesitant to take them on.

RVC: Brag time! What new projects are you most excited about?

SF: I’m really excited for Bex Tobin Fine’s Floor It!, illustrated by Federico Fabiani. It takes a simple conceit—a baby’s crawl across the floor—and turns it into a fun-​filled racecar-​themed adventure. Coming from Random House Children’s Books in Fall 2025!

RVC: Sounds like some high-​octacte fun.

SF: Charlotte Gunnufson’s Hard Hat Hank and the Sky-​High Solution, illustrated by Brian Biggs, is releasing in February on the inaugural Disney Planet Possible list, and it’s a very kid-​friendly construction book with a focus on eco-​friendly building.

And I just welcomed a new client who has a gorgeous literary text that I can’t wait to take on submission.

RVC: Thanks for the updates, Sam. But prepare yourself because it’s now time for the Speed Round. Rocket-​fast questions and racecar-​quick answers. Ready?

SF: Ready!

RVC: Your go-​to snack when reading submissions?

SF: Black licorice.

RVC: If animals could talk, which animal would be the most annoying?

SF: My cat, Paprika, who can already be the most annoying. I shudder to think what she’d say if she could talk. It probably wouldn’t be very nice.

RVC: What’s one thing you couldn’t do your job without?

SF: My awesome colleagues. The women at JGLM are absolute stars—so helpful, and wise, and kind.

RVC: What’s one word every picture book needs?

SF: “The” (although I imagine there are picture books without it!)

RVC: Last picture book that truly made you LOL?

SF: I Quit! by Kristen Tracy, illustrated by Federico Fabiani—the illustration of the cat sticking her face through a loaf of bread makes me laugh every time!

RVC: Your picture book philosophy (or agenting philosophy) in 3 words?

SF: Trust your gut!

RVC: Thanks so much, Sam!

Reading Activities: I Want to Read All The Books by Debbie Ridpath Ohi


I Want to Read All the Books
Author: Debbie Ridpath Ohi
Illustrator: Debbie Ridpath Ohi
17 September 2024
Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
48 pages

Book description from Goodreads: “An insatiably curious girl decides the only way to answer all her questions is to read all the books in this funny and charming picture book in the spirit of The Library Fish and Tom Chapin’s The Library Book. Hana wants to know everything about the world around her. When she starts asking questions, her mother gives her a book. She learns so much, but now she has even more questions! She also has a big she will read all the books—every single one! She reads every book in her house…and then her friends’ houses…and then the whole block. Nonfiction, fiction, romance, mysteries, and science fiction. But when her mother takes her to the downtown library, she realizes there are a lot more books than she thought…way more. Maybe she can’t really read all the books—now what?”

Need some reviews of I Want to Read All the Books?

Reading Activities inspired by I Want to Read All the Books:

  • Before Reading–From looking at the front cover: 
    • What do you think it means when someone says they want to read “all the books”?
    • Do you think it’s possible to read every book in the world? Why or why not?
    • Why do you think people read books?
    • Have you ever shared a favorite book with a friend or family member? What was it, and why did you share it?
    • Why might libraries and librarians be important to someone who loves books?
    • From looking at the cover, what kind of character do you think Hana is?
    • What questions would you like to ask the author (who is also the illustrator!) before reading the book?
  • After Reading–Now that you’ve read the story: 
    • What made Hana decide she wanted to read all the books?
    • How did Hana feel when she realized she couldn’t read every book? Why?
    • What did the librarian teach Hana about reading?
    • How did Hana’s Book Club change her idea about reading?
    • What was your favorite part of the story? Why?
    • How did Hana’s friends and family help her on her reading journey?
    • If you started your own book club, who would you invite and why?
    • What book would you recommend to Hana? Why do you think she would like it?
    • What do you think is the main message of the story?
    • Would you recommend this book to a friend? What part would you tell them about first?
  • Big Questions, Bigger Reading List: Make a list of all the big questions you’ve ever wondered about, like “Where does rain come from?” or “How do dolphins talk?” Then write or draw a list of books you’d like to read to answer those questions. Keep it somewhere special to check off as you go!
  • My Dream Library Blueprint: Design the ultimate library of your dreams! Will it have bean bag chairs, reading nooks shaped like castles, or even a slide between floors? Draw or build your dream library and share it with your friends or family.
  • Bookworm Club Kickoff: Just like Hana, start your own book club! Invite friends or family members, pick a fun book to read, and meet up to chat about your favorite parts. You can even come up with a cool club name and make bookmarks for everyone!
  • Rain Drop Science Adventure: Hana’s reading journey started with a question about rain. Make your own mini water cycle experiment using a clear bowl, warm water, and plastic wrap. Watch how rain forms, and learn about the science behind those raindrops!
  • Reading Marathon Party: Set up a “read-​a-​thon” day with cozy pillows, snacks, and all your favorite books. Keep track of how many pages or books you can finish in a day. Bonus points if you share a favorite story with a friend or family member!
  • Wonder Wall of Questions: Take inspiration from Hana and create your own “Wonder Wall” by writing or drawing your big questions on sticky notes. Stick them on a wall or board, then grab books to start answering them one by one.
  • Books, Books, and More Books!: Check out these real-​world books about the magic of reading and libraries:



What happens when a group of bats sneaks into a library at night? A magical, bat-​filled storytime!




This bilingual celebration of books and reading showcases how reading brings communities together.





Leopold the goat loves his bookstore, but when he meets a customer who seems more interested in eating books than reading them, chaos ensues!




Set in a magical library that opens only at night, this story follows a little librarian and her owl assistants as they help visitors find the perfect books.



Based on the real-​life story of Pura Belpré, the first Puerto Rican librarian in New York City, this inspiring book celebrates cultural heritage, storytelling, and the role libraries play in communities.

Author Interview: Sarah Hovorka

Sarah Hovorka – HarperCollinsThis month, we’re thrilled to feature Sarah Hovorka in the OPB Author-​Illustrator Interview series!

Sarah is a versatile creator with a knack for weaving heartfelt and imaginative stories that resonate with readers of all ages. From her touching picture books like Unicycle Dad to her love of speculative fiction, Sarah’s work reflects her curiosity and passion for exploring human experiences. A homeschooling mother of three, she juggles writing, family life, and living with Crohn’s Disease, all the while infusing her stories with authenticity and heart.

Let’s dive into her world, learn about her process, and explore the stories that have shaped her—and those she’s yet to tell.

RVC: Let’s start with a basic one. Where did you grow up?

SH: A farming, pocket community in the Central California Valley.

RVC: Rumor has it you had an unpleasant interaction with a career aptitude test in your childhood. What happened?

SH: It was a standardized test given by my high school. I had big dreams to pursue the sciences, but the test results said my ideal career would be a Dictionary Editor. Not only was that not science, but it wasn’t even an editor for a fun category like fiction. I was peeved as a teenager, but the test had the last laugh. I would love that job now.

RVC: Me too! Now, speculative fiction seems like a natural fit given your interests. What led you to focus on children’s literature instead?

SH: I found that my voice naturally lent itself to children’s literature. I’ve always had an easier time talking to children and I think that comes through in my writing. I still like to write speculative fiction, though, and I’ve been working on speculative chapter books, middle grade, and young adult stories most recently.

RVC: What’s the story behind your first published picture book?

SH: One day I was doing household chores and reflecting on my son’s difficulty with touch, especially being forced, and my own similar memories from childhood. The story of Hattie Hates Hugs popped into my head. After writing it, I pitched it in Twitter’s #PitMad pitching event where the right editor saw it at the right time.

RVC: What’s the most important lesson that book taught you?

SH: That there’s something extra that infuses a story when it comes from your real personality, experiences, and emotions. If your story starts to feel forced, even if the writing is fantastic, I think that comes through to readers.

RVC: Say a few words about Unicycle Dad, which is just a fun title for a book!

SH: Thank you! Unicycle Dad pays homage to single fathers who strive to provide for their children, even through struggles like poverty and lack of education, and end up teaching their kids one of the most valuable life lessons of all. It’s based on my childhood experiences.

RVC: As you said, there’s something special about a story that comes from your real experiences. What’s your dad’s favorite spread from this book?

SH: His favorite is the spread where Sarah falls on the unicycle and the dad says, “It only takes perseverance, Sarah. Keep trying until you get it.”

RVC: What’s YOUR favorite spread?

SH: My favorite is the spread where Sarah feels that daily unicycle practice and homework is only hard work, not at all like the soaring she sees her dad doing.

RVC: In three words or fewer, describe Alicia’s art style for this book.

SH: Realistic, whimsical, thoughtful.

RVC: Camouflage Mom: A Military Story About Staying Connected is another heartfelt story. What inspired this book?

SH: Like Unicycle Dad, this book is based on my own childhood experiences. I wanted to tell the story of a mother in the military and how that can affect the bond between parent and child.

RVC: What was the biggest challenge with writing this book?

SH: It was difficult keeping the balance between conflicting positive and negative emotions in the main character as she struggles to unite the image of her pre-​military mother with the image of her military mom. Sometimes we have warring emotions which are all valid and I tried to highlight that in this story.

RVC: Have you heard from readers about how these stories have impacted them? Any memorable responses?

SH: Yes! For both books, readers loved seeing a side of moms and dads that aren’t often shown: dads as single fathers and moms as the military parent. Adult readers have also said it was a nice change to see a character pursuing a GED and children seem to find it funny that Sarah hates spaghetti so much.

RVC: Let’s talk about the industry. You’re repped by literary agent Kaitlyn Sanchez—a friend of OPB (here’s our interview with her)! What’s the story of how/​when the two of you partnered up?

SH: It’s kind of funny because the story of my first published book is also the story of partnering up with Kaitlyn. I was very new (and lucky) to pitching and querying, and when I had an offer on Hattie Hates Hug through a Twitter pitch event, I reached out to Kaitlyn, and she connected with my stories. When she quickly sold my second picture book, Same Love, Different Hug, it was like all the stars aligned and I knew she was a great fit for me.

RVC: What’s Kaitlyn’s agenting superpower?

SH: Honesty! Sometimes something just isn’t working in your story, or editors aren’t looking for that type of story, or… or… or. I very much appreciate that Kaitlyn is so transparent with her thoughts and the submission process. Writing and publishing is such a subjective industry it’s extraordinarily helpful when someone can give it to you straight.

RVC: If I asked Kaitlyn what your writing superpower is, what would she say?

SH: That’s a hard question. Possibly that I can bring to life difficult emotions in children without them seeming like problems or something that is bad. Or maybe that’s the writing superpower I hope I have.

RVC: What’s your typical writing routine, and how do you balance it with homeschooling and family life?

SH: Err… routine? Ha! No, I’m not great at holding a writing routine. When I’ve tried to do that, it begins to feel like work for me.

RVC: I often tell my students that if something feels like work, then you should step back and really look at your process. Maybe there’s a more effective way?

SH: I’ve been more productive by ensuring that I can easily jot down inspiration any time it strikes and leaving myself trails of motivation, such as calendar reminders with prompts or finding a writing buddy for longer manuscripts. I do try to balance it with homeschooling by sometimes using my kids’ creative writing time for my own creative writing or using time when they are working independently.

RVC: In an interview, you mentioned keeping a spreadsheet for story ideas. What criteria help you decide which ideas to develop further?

SH: The number one criterion for me is how much the story idea sticks in my mind. I use my spreadsheet of ideas religiously to record, but not that often do I review them. That’s because if an idea takes hold and I start thinking of scenes in my mind or developing character traits without trying to, I know I can keep the inspiration up to complete a decent first draft. The second criterion is whether I can easily think of a natural beginning and ending for the story. I feel a little like a flag in the wind without that.

RVC: How do you handle moments when a story just isn’t coming together?

SH: If it’s later in the writing process, such as after a first draft or after half of a novel is written, then I will step away for a few days. Usually something will come to me when I’m not thinking about it. Doing household chores is a great way to free up your creative mind, in my experience. If it’s early in the process and it’s a big picture kind of thing that isn’t coming together, then I typically will choose not to pursue that idea at that time. That sounds like giving up, but I feel like the more I have to work to make the basic story come together, the more it doesn’t really come together at all. Sometimes that story idea that just didn’t work out will appear as a subplot or side action in another story.

RVC: What’s the most challenging part of revising a manuscript, and how do you tackle it?

SH: I very much enjoy revising. It’s like a logic puzzle trying to figure out what fits in where and what needs to go.

RVC: I quite agree! It’s where the real magic happens.

SH: The most challenging part for me is figuring out a way to reword or restructure something when I’ve received opposing feedback. You can’t please everyone, but sometimes there’s a totally different, hidden solution that can work both ways.

RVC: What’s a specific moment when revising completely transformed one of your stories?

SH: After editor feedback, Hattie Hates Hugs turned from a story only about validating one’s feelings surrounding physical contact into one that directly showed children and the adults who care about them how to actually establish a boundary. It gave the story a practical how-​to element that had previously been too hidden.

RVC: Let’s talk about some of the things that led to your writing successes. How has being part of SCBWI influenced your growth as an author?

About SCBWISH: They helped provide a community of people with varying levels of experience when I was first starting out. The nice thing about SCBWI is that they provide multiple ways to engage with the community such as local groups, online chats, events, and workshops.

RVC: What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from your critique groups?

SH: Readers will subconsciously put their own spin on what they are reading. It’s something fickle that’s easily influenced by that reader’s personal experiences, feelings, judgements… even sometimes by what that reader has done that day. It is enlightening.

RVC: What’s one misconception about writing picture books that you’d like to debunk?

SH: That writers of picture books are only writing for children. Picture books are read by children independently or with an adult… adults sometimes read picture books without a child, too! The picture book writer must write to both audiences.

RVC: What’s the best piece of writing advice you’ve received, and how has it shaped your approach to storytelling?

SH: Don’t try to write solely what you think the market wants. For one thing, the market changes all the time and already has stories like that. But more importantly, it’s more fun to write what you want. In my storytelling, I have learned to put in things that I find interesting, fun, or thoughtful. Even if the market may not support certain aspects of a story, such as if a genre is over-​saturated, you never know what readers might get drawn into. If you like it, chances are someone else will, too.

RVC: Two final questions for this part of the interview. How do you handle the highs and lows of the publishing process?

SH: At first, that was difficult for me, and I just pushed on, whether there was good news or bad news. One thing I have learned about myself is that I respond well to personal progress; it’s a highly motivating factor for me. To manage the ups and downs of publishing, I measure my personal progress by outside milestones, such as receiving positive editorial feedback or landing a deal, AND inside milestones, such as trying to write a new genre or attending a workshop. In that way, I’m always succeeding.

RVC: What a great way to think about things! What upcoming projects or goals are you most excited about?

SH: I’m currently writing a young adult novel that blends my usual emotional type of storytelling within a speculative plot. I’m excited to see how it turns out; I think it’s going really well so far.

RVC: Okay, Sarah. It’s time to leap into the fray with…the Lightning Round. Zippy questions followed by zappy answers, please. Are you ready to begin?

SH: Yes.

RVC: Most underappreciated speculative fiction book, kidlit or otherwise?

SH: The Number of the Beast by Robert A. Heinlein.

RVC: Personal chef, personal maid, or personal masseuse?

SH: Personal masseuse.

RVC: Your life is on the line. You need to sing one karaōke song to save it. What do you go with?

SH: “Neon Moon” by Brooks & Dunn.

RVC: Which picture book world would you most want to visit for a day?

SH: The Dragons Are Singing Tonight by Jack Prelutsky.

RVC: Who sets the standard for funny picture books?

SH: Jon Klassen.

RVC: A favorite line from any picture book, classic or contemporary?

SH: “It didn’t even own a proper jacket,” from The Good Little Book by Kyo Maclear.

RVC: Thanks so much, Sarah!

Picture Book Review: Five-​Word Reviews (Into the Mighty Sea; Snow Is; Springtime Storks; Ten-​World Tiny Tales of Love; Wonder & Awe)

Back by popular demand, five-​word reviews! If this abbreviated format isn’t your teensy cup of tea, no worries! We’ll get back to our usual robust 2‑person reviews (one handling the text review, one handling the art review) in February.

Most of the books on this list are new, but a few are simply those that took a while to come across my radar.

Happy 2025 to everyone!

Into the Mighty Sea
Author: Arlene Abundis
Illustrator: Cynthia Alonso
4 June 2024
40 pages

Ryan’s five-​word review: Colorful chaos mirrors heartfelt journey.

4.25 out of 5 colorful tides

Snow Is…
Author: Laura Gehl
Illustrator: Sonia Sánchez
Simon & Schuster/​Paula Wiseman Books
29 October 2024
32 pages

Ryan’s five-​word review: Lush illustrations spark cozy nostalgia.

4 out of 5 cozy snowflakes


Springtime Storks: A Migration Love Story
Author: Carol Joy Munro
Illustrator: Chelsea O’Byrne
10 December 2024
40 pages

Ryan’s five-​word review: Chalk pastel dreams take flight.

4.5 out of 5 soaring wings

Ten-​Word Tiny Tales of Love
Author: Joseph Coelho
Illustrator: 21 Artist Friends
3 December 2024
56 pages

Ryan’s five-​word review: Compact tales, vast imaginative worlds.

4.25 out of 5 tiny treasures

Wonder & Awe
Author: Annie Herzig
Illustrator: Annie Herzig
Simon & Schuster/​Paula Wiseman Books
15 October 2024
40 pages

Ryan’s five-​word review: Nature’s wonder heals and inspires.

4.25 out of 5 snowy friendships