Author Interview: Katrina Moore

Hello, OPB family! I’m thrilled to be taking the reigns over for Ryan this month and conducting this month’s Author Interview with the oh-​so-​kind and talented Katrina Moore. I’ve been a huge fan of Katrina’s work for years and it was an absolute thrill to be able to meet her in person at NCTE in Boston last fall. Before we jump in to the interview, here’s a little about Katrina:

Katrina Moore is an author and former elementary educator. She holds a M.A. in Teaching and taught for thirteen years in Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. She writes in Georgia, where her mission is to create books that children will hug for ages. She is the author of the humorous TEENY HOUDINI chapter book series (Teeny Houdini: THE DISAPPEARING ACT is nominated for the 2025 Washington State Otter Award), as well as several acclaimed picture books including THE STAR IN YOUCHANG’E ON THE MOON (a 2024 Bookstagang Best Illustrated book), GRUMPY NEW YEAR,  HOPE IS A HOPONE HUGGRANDPA GRUMPS (a 2023 Georgia Picture Book Award finalist, and 2025 Illinois Monarch Award nominee), and SOMETIMES LOVE ( a Bank Street College of Education’s Best Books of the Year). Her forthcoming books include the BIG JOB FOR LITTLE BABIES board book series, illustrated by Benson Shum. WHO’S DIGGING? publishes August 2025, and WHO’S BUILDING? publishes spring 2026. Another picture book in the beloved Grumps series, SCHOOLTIME GRUMPS, will publish summer 2026.

When Katrina is not building new literary worlds, she is cooking without a recipe, painting outside the lines, adventuring, or snuggling up with her two kids, husband, giant pups, and of course, digging into a cozy book. Connect with her at, or on Instagram @katrinamoore1011  and Twitter/​X @kmoorebooks.

RGL: Hi. Katrina! I’m so thrilled you are here! To start, can you please tell us a little about your childhood? Were you one of those kids who was always writing?

KM: Hi, Rebecca! I’m so happy to be here, too! Thank you, and Ryan, for inviting me to Only Picture Books!

RVC: Happy to have you both here! Take it away, folks.

KM: I grew up as one of five kids, as the middle child, in a very big and busy family. It was a lot of fun, but I always needed and treasured some “me” time. So, while we played “Log Cabin,” or “Mermaids,” or “Quicksand Monster,” I was often scurrying off to find my own little nook, to spend some quiet time with my imagination. From an early age, I filled notebooks with drawings, musings, and lots of poems. I was often creating things – 3D art sculptures from found and repurposed materials around the house (these got me in a bit of trouble!), cakes, cookies, paintings, and dresses. Making something messy into something beautiful (and still sometimes, messy) has always been something I’ve gravitated toward.

Sometimes these ideas would start in my notebook, and sometimes they would be recorded there, afterwards. But always, journaling and writing have been something that I’ve done for myself – as reflection, as an escape, as a starting point to a bigger project, and as a way to fuel and capture my many passions, even as a kid.

RGL: I resonate so much with all of this! (Except for the four siblings. I only had one, and that was PLENTY!)  I know you worked as a teacher for more than a decade. What ages and subjects were your favorites to teach?

KM: Yes! I taught for over thirteen years as a public school elementary teacher. I taught every grade from kindergarten to fifth but spent the most time teaching second and third grade. One of the reasons I loved teaching in elementary school was that I got to teach all the subjects, and therefore, was able to do a lot of interdisciplinary teaching – a lesson or project that covered many learning targets but just felt like a fun project sparked by curiosity that nurtured the whole child.

While there’s something to love about every grade, and age of development, I really loved teaching the primary grades – kindergarten, first, and second. It’s probably the same reason that I love writing for children in these grades, as they’re the target age range for picture books (though, I’d also argue that picture books are really for ages 0 through over 100!).

RGL: Absolutely agree!

KM: There’s an unfiltered honesty at these ages that is so refreshing, and a way of viewing the world that is beautiful and admirable. They’re so smart, and while I’m teaching them important skills, they’re teaching me every day, too. They experience many new things and handle so much more than they get credit for. I have a deep respect for children that always came through in my teaching, and hopefully does through my writing, too!

RGL: Oh, it it definitely does. Did you use a lot of picture books during lessons or as read-​alouds in your classroom? What were a few of your favorite books to share with your students and why?

KM: I did! I read picture books aloud as much as I could, which was at least three times a day. I started every day with a morning meeting (even when I taught fifth grade!), and that always included a picture book read aloud. A favorite that I shared, year after year, during the opening week of school, was MY TEACHER IS A MONSTER (No I am Not) by Peter Brown, which invited them to discuss perspective, closely read the illustrations, feel super-​smart when they figured out what was going on with how the teacher looked, It’s such a fun book that it set the right tone for what learning in our classroom would feel like.

RGL: I don’t know that book, but can’t wait to go check it out now!

KM: Oftentimes, a picture book would make a great opener for a new topic we were going to learn. A great example of this is WATER IS WATER by Miranda Paul and Jason Chin, which was an excellent introduction to our water cycle unit in second grade, as well as a mentor text for poetry, and led to amazing student-​to-​text connections about the ways water is a part of their everyday lives.

RGL: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that book!

KM: And, always, during the closing circle, at the end of the day, after some sort of reflection-​of-​the-​day activity, I would read a picture book. My favorite ones were always those that sparked rich conversations with my students, and allowed them to ask and wonder about things that they never encountered before, such as THE BOOK OF MISTAKES by Corinna Luyken. Reading this one aloud to students not only nurtured their growth mindset, but empowered them to reflect on their own “mistakes” and share how they could pivot when things didn’t go their way (which happens in elementary school, and as we know, all through adulthood, an awful lot!)

My favorites, as the above were, have multiple takeaways deeply ingrained into the stories, but are, first and foremost, books that understand and respect children, open their world, and entertain them.

RGL: You were clearly an incredible teacher. I wish I’d been in your class! How do you feel your experience as a teacher influenced your writing style and/​or the subjects you chose to tackle as an author? Can you give an example?

KM: My “mission” as an author is to write books that children will hug for ages. That is, I want to make books that children genuinely love. They love it because they see themselves in the story, because they connected with the subject so deeply, or because it makes them think anew, or feel a certain way—and they want to hold onto that.

When I wrote ONE HUG, I wanted to give a voice and stage to the little Chinese-​American girl in me who never saw herself accurately represented in the media. Like the characters in ONE HUG, my cultural identity influences my life, but it’s not my whole story. I wrote it for little-​me, but saw so many of my students in the story, too. Now, it’s so heart-​warming to hear from all different kinds of readers about how much their child, and their families connect with this book—and ones who are sleeping with the book under their pillow because they love it so much.

RGL: Awww, that’s the best. My son used to sleep with books too. So sweet!

KM: When I wrote THE STAR IN YOU, it was a love letter from my teacher heart—a message to each student, to let them know that even if they can’t see their own star, that I can.

Ultimately, the reason I write is the same reason I became a teacher. It’s driven by my desire to nurture children’s love of themselves, and of the world, and to feel confident and empowered by their place in it.

RGL: You are absolutely doing that! So, still wearing your Teacher hat for a little longer, I’m curious what advice do you have for authors? How can we get teachers to fall in love with our books?

KM: Write a book that you really love writing. There are various entry points for connection with a story, and as an author, we never really know the specific way in which a reader will connect with our books. However, when an author is genuinely having fun with their story, or their passion for their subject comes through, it’s often tangible. That, in itself, helps a book stand out to any reader. Specifically for the teacher reader, a book can earn a place on their shelf if it’s one that can be used and reused for multiple lessons, multiple times of the year, and will be one that helps to engage the reader that’s sitting at (or on) their toes during the read aloud. The ones I ended up buying (with my little to non-​existent budget!) were ones that I ended up checking out so many times from the library, it made more sense to own it!

RGL: Such great advice. Thank you! Just curious, do teachers really use back matter and Teacher’s Guides?

KM: Yes! Back matter, when done well, is an incredible tool for a teacher–diving deeper into content that is connected to the curriculum, and offers the information in a child-​accessible way. It’s also excellent for extension. When a young reader wants to know more, but maybe there wasn’t enough time during the read aloud or the lesson, they can further research a topic on their own during a center, or as an independent activity, using the backmatter as a jumping off point. Teacher’s guides are great, too! I’d say the best ones are easy to use, and include activities that are curriculum based/​tied, and pretty self-​explanatory because teachers are very busy people!

RGL: That’s such a great point! So, when and why did you decide to leave teaching to become an author full-​time? What do you miss most about it?

KM: As of this July, I’ll have been writing and authoring full time for two years. I never left because I didn’t love teaching – I truly, truly did! But teaching full-​time is more than a full-​time job (mentally, emotionally, and physically), even when you try to be as efficient as possible (as I did). When I would finish my teaching day, I tried to be as present as possible for my children, dogs, and husband – so my mommy and wife hat would work overtime, too. That didn’t leave a lot of time for writing, which I both needed to do (to meet deadlines and because I don’t feel like “me” when I haven’t written in a while) and wanted to do—because I love it, and it feels like a “calling”. I would write in the wee hours of the night when I very much needed to be sleeping. Suffice to say, it wasn’t very sustainable, long term.

RGL: Good for you for recognizing that and taking care of yourself. Both my mom and sister were/​are teachers and it’s so true that they work much more than a full-​time job. Teachers are serious superheroes.

KM: What I miss most is seeing the same group of children every day and actively being a part of their growth and development. But my favorite part of the teaching day was reading together. During author visits to schools, I still get to do that, so I’m getting to experience the magic that happens during that time, still!

RGL: I love that. Well, you may not be teaching kids anymore, but I happen to know you are amazing at teaching other writers. You don’t know this, but about 7‑ish years ago (I want to say it was 2018 maybe?), when I was just getting my feet wet in the Kidlit world, I attended a session that you presented at the New Jersey summer SCBWI conference about revising, which included a whole slew of tips, including color-​coding different aspects of your manuscript with various highlighters. Your presentation seriously blew my mind. Do you still use that system for revising your own stories? Can you share one or two of your very favorite revision tips?

KM: Thank you, Rebecca! Yes, “Revising Your Writing Into A Pot of Gold” is the workshop where I go through my “Rainbow Revision” technique. It is still one that I use today – though not every time. Basically, you use a different color when you are focusing on one aspect of revision. To mentally, and tactilely switch gears, you change the color of your tool to focus on the next aspect. I don’t always need to go through all the “colors”, and what a specific project needs during revision feels more intuitive now. But I absolutely refer back to, and still use, that as my revision checklist before I feel a project is ready.

My absolute favorite, do-​it-​every-​time, revision tip is to paginate and pace out your manuscript. That doesn’t mean that when you turn it into your agent or editor you should designate the pagination, but as a step in your revision, you should absolutely do this so that you can feel and see the beats of your manuscript, and know which scenes and pages have too much going on, and where your story is feeling static (like perhaps you’ve realized there are four consecutive pages where the action has not changed). I have a lot of different ways that I do this, but a simple one is adding extra spaces between where I think a natural page turn should be. There should be about 12–15 spreads (sections of text between the spaces). How does the pacing feel? Is there too much action in this scene to be shown visually? Are you maximizing the word choice at each page turn?

I share some more revision checklist questions and techniques over on my free Writer’s Blog.

RGL: What a great resource. Thanks so much for sharing. Okay, let’s now dig into your stories a little more. Your books are so full of authentic, kid-​friendly emotion. Take SOMETIMES LOVE, for instance. Here is a story about the long-​time friendship between a little girl and her pup, from whom she has to separate when her mom is deployed overseas (don’t worry, dear readers, it has a happy ending!). The reader, along with the child character in the story, experiences so many emotions in this book – affection, joy, sadness, disappointment, worry, excitement and love, just to name a few. When writing, are you consciously thinking about all the emotions you hope to elicit in the reader?

KM: Thank you, Rebecca. Yes! An emotional journey is just as important, and sometimes (depending on the story), more important for a character to go through as a physical journey. A step in my revision is always to create an emotional map for the story. What is the emotion the character(s) are feeling on the page? What do I hope the reader will feel on this page? (Does it work? Or Not?). It’s not something I worry about while writing my first draft. But it’s always something I check for during revision!

RGL: As a fellow rhymer, I am truly in awe of your rhyming talent and ability to tell such meaningful stories with so few words. In ONE HUG, HOPE IS A HOP, THE STAR IN YOU, and SOMETIMES LOVE, your poetic texts are beautifully sparse while the plots of each of these books is mostly shown in the illustrations. What is your writing process like for these types of books? How do you decide when to add illustration notes and when to hold off and allow the illustrator to fill in the gaps?

KM: Thank you. One of the best parts of being an author-​only for a picture book is that I know part of the magic will happen when the illustrator brings my words to life, and instills their own vision into the story through their visual storytelling and artistic choices. The result of the text and art working together, and one not being able to fully work without the other, makes this format so unique – and exciting. So I’m always keeping that in mind.

For a text that I’m only writing, I still think visually. So, as I’m writing, I am mindful about what will be shown through the art, and then I focus the text on what is essential to the story here? What do I want to convey that can’t come through the art? What words are necessary? For my books that are poems, as are all the ones you mentioned above, they usually begin with a strong concept that I feel compelled to explore.

I’ll begin by word mapping and jotting down all the words that are associated with the concept. Then, I focus on what do I want to say about it? That’s how I usually narrow down which words I absolutely must keep. And then, it’s a puzzle of how this can be shown visually, and what cadence corresponds to it, and what meter meets the tone I want the read aloud to take on. Notice that I didn’t mention finding rhyming words. Though the rhyme must be perfect, or it throws off the entire read aloud experience, it really needs to serve the story, and not the other way around. So I make sure my story is set first, and then I fret about the meter and the rhymes!

RGL: Oh, yes. So many people don’t understand that writing in rhyme is really NOT about rhyming words, but about meter and rhythm, and that story always – always—must come first.

KM: Each of the above stories was sent (to my agent, to my editor, and then to the illustrator) with art notes. Because I do not want to overstep, but know that I need to convey important information about what’s happening in the narrative via art notes, I keep them to the essentials. What is happening in the plot that they need to know. I will usually give one overarching art note before the text, and then, per spread, what is happening in the action (if it’s not clear via the text). For example, in SOMETIMES LOVE, since there was an overarching art note, the first three spreads did not need a specific art note. It wasn’t until the next one, “Sliding, scratching, through the halls, love will sometimes break through walls” that I needed to include the art note: [dog anxious when girl leaves] 

RGL: Thanks for sharing all of that insider info. I love hearing about other writers’ processes. Even in your books that don’t rhyme, like your picture books GRANDPA GRUMPS and GRUMPY NEW YEAR, and your chapter book series TEENY HOUDINI, you use so much rich lyrical language – onomatopoeia, internal rhyme, metaphor/​simile, alliteration, etc. Have you always been a poet at heart?

KM: Thank you for noticing that! Yes. The first “writing” that I filled my notebooks with as a child were poems. I’ve always loved poetry and connected deeply to it. Perhaps because poems create such strong imagery, and usually explore something in a new or creative way. I am a very visual person, and an out-​of-​the-​box thinker, so I’m drawn to a format, and using poetic devices, that make images come to life in my mind, and one that allows us to think about something in a unique way. I also believe that poems, like picture books, are best enjoyed when read aloud. And what a treat it is when words can string together to sing, and boom, and make you feel something!

RGL: I couldn’t agree more! I was also a huge poetry lover/​writer as a kid. Let’s talk now about your incredible range. You’ve published a chapter book series, picture books in both rhyme and prose, a folktale retelling, and later this year you will release a toddler board book series called BIG JOBS FOR LITTLE BABIES, beginning with the first book, WHO’S DIGGING? (Readers, Katrina generously shared a sneak-​peek of this one with me and I have to tell you, it is absolutely adorable!) What made you decide to dip your toes in all these different waters?

KM: Hooray! I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Rebecca. I can’t wait to share the BIG JOBS FOR LITTLE BABIES series with the world in August! That’s a good question, and it’s not something that I’ve intentionally done. The stories that I end up writing are ones that will not leave me alone. As mentioned earlier, I am a person who wears many hats, and oftentimes, many at once. So, for me to take the time to turn an idea into a draft, and to revise that draft to a show-​ready state, it’s got to be one that’s literally keeping me up at night and begging to be written. And, it turns out, most of those were (and are) picture books, but also chapter books, and board books. Some stories are more suited to one form than another, and I just let the “heart” of the story and my “voice” as a writer come through and then go from there (and then make sure it conforms, or not—purposefully to that format). I enjoy the challenge, balance, and freshness of working on multiple projects, and in multiple formats at once.

RGL: That’s so amazing. Which format or genre is most enjoyable for you and/​or most challenging?

KM: Picture books come most “naturally” to me and forever have my heart. I love both the range of ways they can be written, and the range of the readership—especially how you can truly not outgrow them. When done well, there is such magic that happens between the pages of a picture book, and well after it’s closed, between the book and the reader(s) that is unique to that format. At the moment, drafting a middle grade novel is proving to be the most challenging (though also rewarding and energizing!) I am so used to cutting down words, and sticking to essentials, in the picture book format, and then having very controlled language and sentence structure in the chapter book format, that the freedom to build out a scene with words and elaborate (because the only details the reader will get are through the text in a typical novel) feels unnatural to me. I’m certainly stretching new muscles (and it’s mighty fun!).

RGL: I feel that. I honestly can’t imagine writing anything longer than a picture book! Do you think you’ll ever round out your Kidlit portfolio with an MG or YA novel? Or maybe even a graphic novel?

KM: Yes, definitely! As mentioned above, I’m working on some middle grade novels now. So hopefully I’ll be able to share more on that front, soon.

RGL: Oh, I can’t wait to hear more! Alright, now that all the tough questions are out of the way, it’s time for the LIGHTNING ROUND! Are you ready?

KM: Bring it on! 🙂

RGL: Bunnies or Puppies?

KM: Puppies!

RGL: One hug or a thousand kisses?

KM: One hug!

RGL: Three things that make you grumpy:

KM: Traffic, being hungry, and being sleep-deprived!

RGL: Have you ever worked as a magician?

KM: No, but I LOVE magic, and performed many tricks on willing (and unwilling) family members growing up.

RGL: Favorite magic trick?

KM: When you pull something unexpected out of a whole, closed fruit, that definitely shouldn’t have been there! It was the inspiration for the trick in Teeny Houdini : The Super-​Secret Valentine. When a magician performed that trick for me the first time, I was blown away!

RGL: Teacher who was most influential in your life:

KM: So many! But my first was Ms. Galvin, my Montessori teacher who taught me in first and second grade. She made me feel “seen” and special, and showed me how impactful little acts of kindness and generosity can be.

RGL: Nicest thing a child reader has said to you about one of your books:

KM: That I wrote about them in my book.

RGL: What makes your heart sing?

KM: When a person, especially a child, feels empowered to be fully and unapologetically themselves.

RGL: Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself with us today, Katrina. You and your books are pure joy!


Rebecca’s BIO:

Rebecca Gardyn Levington is a children’s book author, poet, and journalist with a particular penchant for penning both playful and poignant picture books and poems – primarily in rhyme. She is the author of WHATEVER COMES TOMORROW (which has been translated into 9 languages and is the winner of a Crystal Kite Honor and a Northern Lights Book Award), BRAINSTORM!, AFIKOMAN, WHERE’D YOU GO?LITTLE DREIDEL LEARNS TO SPIN, WRITE HERE, WRITE NOW, and I WILL ALWAYS BE (on bookshelves 4/​15/​25!) with seven additional rhyming picture books forthcoming. Rebecca writes reviews and conducts author interviews monthly for the Picture Book Builders blog. Her award-​winning poems and articles have appeared in numerous anthologies, newspapers, and magazines. She lives with her family in Summit, N.J., where she enjoys bouncing on a mini-​trampoline, playing Mah Jongg, and eating chocolate-​peanut butter ice cream (although not usually at the same time!).

Find out more and sign up for Rebecca’s monthly newsletter at

Picture Book List: 15 Sneaky-​Good Books About Ninjas

I tricked bribed asked my kiddo to handle another Bonus Goody, and this is the result. Enjoy this list of picture books about ninjas.

Did we we miss any? If so, please share those titles in the comments. Thanks!

10 Little Ninjas by Miranda Paul, illustrated by Nate Wragg (Aug 2016)

From Goodreads: “A charming bedtime counting book about ten sneaky little characters who aren’t ready to go to sleep… until daddy calls the sensei to send them back to bed.

It may be bedtime, but these little ninjas aren’t tired. They’re sliding, swinging, and slipping out of bed! Can Daddy and the sensei ever tuck them in? Filled with mischievous fun, 10 Little Ninjas will take young readers from playtime to bedtime again and again. Kids will love the astronauts, tigers, cowboys, dragons and more!”

  • 32 pages
  • Reading Age: 1–3 years


The Boy Who Cried Ninja by Alex Latimer (Feb 2014)

From Goodreads: “In this quirky twist on The Boy Who Cried Wolf, a boys excuses turn out to have an unexpected element of truth.”

  • 32 pages
  • Reading Age: 3–6 years


Gritty Ninja by Mary Nhin (Feb 2020)

From Goodreads: “Gritty Ninja gives up when things get too hard.

Find out what happens in this book about growing grit and becoming mentally tough. Life is hard! It’s even harder for children who are just trying to figure things out. The new children’s book series, Ninja Life Hacks, was developed to help children learn valuable life skills. Fun, pint-​size characters in comedic books easy enough for young readers, yet witty enough for adults.The Ninja Life Hacks book series is geared to kids 4–10. Perfect for young readers, students in primary school, and toddlers. Excellent resource for counselors, parents, and teachers alike.”

  • 32 pages
  • Reading Age: 3–8 years


Hello Ninja by N.D. Wilson, illustrated by Forrest Dickison (July 2020)

From Goodreads: “Global bedtime fun for ninjas! Whether they’re dancing nimbly through the tropics or hobnobbing with the king of France, ninjas large and small will love this new bedtime story from bestselling author N. D. Wilson.”

  • 32 pages
  • Reading Age: 1–5 years


Hansel and Gretel: Ninja Chicks by Corey Rosen Schwartz and Rebecca J. Gomez, illustrated by Dan Santat (May 2016)

From Goodreads: “These ninja chicks are anything but chicken!

When Hensel and Gretel’s dad gets snatched by a fox, the sisters put their ninja skills to work to track him down before he can be stir-fried.

But are these two little chicks ready to take on a dark tangled forest, a tricky house made of corn bread, and an even trickier fox?

This plucky pair isn’t giving up without a fight! KIYA!”

  • 40 pages
  • Reading Age: 3–8 years


Little Kunoichi the Ninja Girl by Sanae Ishida (Nov 2015)

From Goodreads: “Meet Little Kunoichi, a young ninja in training!

On a “super secret island” in a “super  super  secret village,” Little Kunoichi, is struggling at school. Inspired by tiny Chibi Samurai’s practice and skills, she works harder than ever and makes a friend. Together, they show the power of perseverance, hard work, and coöperation, and they wow the crowd at the Island Festival. Through beautiful watercolor illustrations, and a funny and endearing story, Little Kunoichi will capture the imagination of young ninjas-in-training.

The endnotes contain additional information about sumo wrestling, ninja training, and other aspects of Japanese language and culture.”

  • 32 pages
  • Reading Age: 3–7 years


My Grandma’s a Ninja by Todd Tarpley, illustrated by Danny Chatzikonstantinou (Mar 2015)

From Goodreads: “A laugh-​out-​loud story about a karate-​chopping grandma that will have children wondering what exceptional, out-​of-​the-​box and surprising talents their grandparents might have!

When Ethan’s grandma suggests they take a zip line to school, Ethan realizes that his grandma is a little different. In fact, she’s a ninja! Ethan is soon the hit of the school when his grandma drops from the ceiling at show-​and-​tell, and teaches the kids karate moves and how to do back flips in slow motion.

But having a ninja for a grandma is not everything Ethan hoped it would be. When his grandma deflates his team’s soccer ball, everyone is upset—including Ethan. Why can’t he just have a regular grandma? he wonders, until his new karate moves help him out during the championship game and everyone is happy that his grandma isn’t quite ordinary.”

  • 40 pages
  • Reading Age: 4–8 years


Nina the Neighborhood Ninja by Sonia Panigrahy, illustrated by Hazel Quintanilla (Oct 2016)

From Goodreads: “Nina’s a girl who takes charge. She uses her brain and her muscles to complete rescue missions. She doesn’t mind getting dirty and climbing trees. It’s all part of the life of the everyday girl superhero. Young readers are encouraged to recognize that the traits of being smart, strong, and speedy exist within themselves. Young girls will find Nina the Neighborhood Ninja to be a positive affirmation that they too can be superheroes.”

  • 44 pages
  • Reading Age: 3–7 years


Ninja! by Arree Chung (June 2014)

From Goodreads: “A ninja must be strong, courageous, and silent! He creeps through the house on a secret mission. There may be obstacles! But have no fear—a true ninja can overcome all challenges..”

  • 40 pages
  • Reading Age: 3–5 years


Ninja Camp by Sue Fliess, illustrated by Jen Taylor (Jan 2019)

From Goodreads: “Pack your bags and grab your gear: you’re going to Ninja Camp! Listen closely to the ninja master, who will teach you everything you need to know to become a ninja warrior-​but it won’t be easy. You’ll have to be sly and swift, strong and speedy, and only then will you become a Ninja of the Night!

This fun and energetic book will delight and entertain kids and parents alike with its clever, rhyming verse and action-​packed depictions of the coolest camp around. For fans of Ninja Red Riding Hood who are looking for a lesson in teamwork and cool stealth skills.”

  • 32 pages
  • Reading Age: 4–8 years


The Ninja Club Sleepover by Laura Gehl, illustrated by MacKenzie Haley (July 2020)

From Goodreads: “We are ninjas and ninjas are brave!

Willa and her best friends love ninjas. They have matching ninja backpacks and ninja t‑shirts, and at school they even form a ninja club. But Willa has a secret: she’s a werewolf! Worried that no one will understand, she hides the truth from her friends. Until Val has a sleepover for her birthday…and it’s on the night of the full moon.

Willa is overcome with nerves. When an accident reveals that her friends were hiding secrets too, she realizes maybe it’s not so important to be a normal ninja. After all, a paranormal ninja can do so many cool things!

Join three remarkable friends as they discover that ALL of us are weird in our own special ways. Lovable and lively illustrations accompany this charming story that explores facing your fears and fitting in, encouraging readers to celebrate their true selves.”

  • 32 pages
  • Reading Age: 4–8 years


North Pole Ninjas: Mission: Christmas! by Tyler Knott Gregson and Sarah Linden, illustrated by Piper Thibodeau (Oct 2018)

From Goodreads: “East meets North in  North Pole Ninjas , a yuletide call-​to-​arms to save the spirit of Christmas.

You may not know that Santa has a team of special elves, selected for their ability to help carry out top-​secret missions that are all about helping, giving, caring, and listening. Anyone who reads this book is called upon to help carry out those top-​secret missions with a bit of stealth and an open heart. The gorgeously illustrated picture book retells the legend of the North Pole Ninjas for new recruits. After reading the book, readers can print their own Ninja missions to carry out.”

  • 40 pages
  • Reading Age: 3–8 years


The Secrets of Ninja School by Deb Pilutti (March 2018)

From Goodreads: “Ruby sets out to learn her own secret skill at Master Willow’s School for Ninjas in this charming picture book that celebrates confidence, creativity, and kindness.

Includes a craft for making a felt stuffed dragon!

Master Willow’s Ninja School is a place where junior ninja saplings must learn many important how to make themselves invisible, fight skillfully, meditate patiently and―most importantly―how to be brave and unleash their own secret talent. But Ruby’s no good at traditional ninja skills and she seems too afraid to conquer her fears. Can a quiet, gentle sapling really graduate from ninja school? Yes! Especially when she taps into her own special talents.”

  • 40 pages
  • Reading Age: 4–8 years 


The Three Ninja Pigs by Corey Rosen Schwartz, illustrated by Dan Santat (Sept 2012)

From Goodreads: “Practice makes perfect in this kick-​butt fractured fairy tale.

Why does this wolf think he can come to town and blow all the houses down? These three little pigs just aren’t going to take it from that bully anymore! The first starts aikido lessons—he’ll make mincemeat out of that wolf! His brother learns a little jujitsu—he’ll chop that guy to pieces!

But when the wolf actually appears, it turs out these two pigs aren’t quite ready after all. Good thing their sister has been training every day to master some serious karate moves that save the day. KIYA!

Corey Rosen Schwartz serves up a fun combination of smart-​aleck dialogue and tongue-​in-​cheek rhymes that’ll have kids howling, and rising star Dan Santat’s spunky illustrations are sure to pack a punch!”

  • 40 pages
  • Reading Age: 3–6 years 


Wink, the Ninja Who Wanted to Be Noticed by J.C. Phillips (Mar 2009)

From Goodreads: “The happiest day of Wink’s life was when he was accepted to the Summer Moon School for Young Ninjas. He is sure that he will be a great ninja. Silence is the first lesson and everyone is very very silent … except for Wink. Stealth is the second lesson and everyone is very very stealthy … except for Wink. Finally, Wink decides that he will be silent and stealthy. But no one notices! What?s the point of being a great ninja if no one notices? Maybe Wink wasn’t meant to be a ninja? This daring debut is an adventure-​lover’s dream”

  • 40 pages
  • Reading Age: 4–7 years