Picture Book Review: Paper Planes by Jim Helmore

Author: Jim Helmore
Illustrator: Richard Jones
Simon & Schuster Children’s
1 March 2020
32 pages

This month’s PB review is by Ryan G. Van Cleave (Chief Paper Plane Designer at Only Picture Books) and Ringling College of Art and Design Illustration Professor (and OPB lizard-​loving wunderkind) John Herzog.


–Ryan’s Review of the Writing–

Anytime you’ve got a story about friends separating, it seems like we tend to follow the one who goes to the new place. It makes sense. Stories are fundamentally about challenges and changes, and, of course, the person moving away will have those things aplenty.

But in Paper Planes, author Jim Helmore wisely shows us that the ones left behind are encountering their own brand of challenge and change, as we see with Mia, the child left behind when her bestie, Ben, moves far, far away.

One of the things both children share is a love for making paper planes. In fact, they had a Big Plan to create a paper plane so large that it could fly across a “great, wide lake” where they live next to in side-​by-​side houses at the start of the story. What are they going to do now that Ben and his family have moved so, so far from Mia?

Helmore doesn’t pull emotional punches as you can see here: “Hot tears fell from her eyes.” And we see Mia’s loneliness darken into resentment, shown in action by her taking a plane Ben gave her and smashing it. That kind of direct access to a character’s feelings will surely spark discussions in parents and readers about acceptable behavior and the power of emotions.

I’m quite taken by the art here–there’s an interesting contrast in play between the relatively lean prose and the dreamy aspects to the illustrations. I’ll let John explain that better below, since that’s solidly in his domain.

In sum, Paper Planes is an emotionally textured book about friendship and belonging that’s especially welcome in these challenging times.

4.5 out of 5 pencils


–John’s Review of the Illustrations–

I’m prefacing my review of Paper Planes with some historical context:

Right now, it’s April 2020 and the planet is engulfed in the coronavirus pandemic. The majority of businesses are closed, grocery stores can’t keep toilet paper and hand sanitizer in stock, and everyone has been tasked with the responsibility of practicing self-​quarantine and social distancing. Little to no air travel is happening as airlines have suspended service, and hubs of humanity from Times Square to St. Peter’s Square are empty. Friends, family, educators, and entertainers now largely communicate via video conference from their homes.

It is a very, very strange time — and it makes me appreciate Paper Planes all the more.

A lovely story of the triumph of long-​distance friendship, Paper Planes is timeless yet relevant. Mia and Ben are two friends who enjoy spending time with each other, and they especially love making paper airplanes together. One day, Ben tells Mia that he and his family are moving far away, and we see how Mia copes with the situation. Jim Helmore’s story is incredibly sweet and sensitive, yet believable. Mia’s frustration, sadness, and longing for her friend endears us to her, and I kept hoping that she and Ben would somehow be brought back together. Can their friendship endure despite being far away from each other? I’ll avoid spoilers here, but I will say that the result is realistic yet satisfying.

Richard Jones’ illustrations elegantly combine both the simple and complex. Mia and Ben, as well as their cute little dogs, are simply designed yet they’re surrounded by geese, seaside towns, and grassy fields that are full of complexity. The world is nicely balanced, and everything here feels effortlessly deliberate–a quality most illustrators (myself included) struggle to achieve. With Paper Planes, Jones makes it look like a cakewalk.

There’s also a very tactile feel to the illustrations, which is of course inherent in their execution, but also helped quite a bit by the presentation offered by Peachtree Publishing. The dust jacket, for instance, uses a very textured substrate that adds a sophistication and warmth to the overall feeling of the book. Likewise, the interior pages use a matte finish that allows the reader to soak in all of the sumptuous earth tones and vibrant colors used by Jones. This is a high-​quality book — probably one of the best I’ve seen–that rightly deserves to be on everyone’s shelf.

Paper Planes provides a message of hope for all who are far away from friends and loved ones. Granted, given our current situation with the coronavirus pandemic, that message resonates even more. However, I can’t help but feel that I would love this book regardless of what’s happening right now. Its message of friendship transcending distance is timeless.

4.5 out of 5 crayons

John Herzog is an award-​winning illustrator and educator. His clients include Hasbro, Dreamworks TV, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Scholastic, and Highlights for Children. He also teaches illustration classes at Ringling College of Art and Design.

John is a member of the Society of Illustrators and SCBWI, and received the 2018 SCBWI Magazine Merit Award for his Highlights High Five cover illustration. He lives in Florida with his wife, two kids, a pair of geckos, a South American horned frog, a bearded dragon, and a fish.

He is represented by Shannon Associates.

Picture Book Review: The Society of Distinguished Lemmings by Julie Colombet

The Society of Distinguished Lemmings
Author: Julie Colombet
Illustrator: Julie Colombet
1 March 2020
40 pages

This month’s PB review is by Ryan G. Van Cleave (lead lemming researcher at Only Picture Books) and Ringling College of Art and Design Illustration Professor (and new OPB friend) Rebecca Zomchek.

–Ryan’s Review of the Writing–

Is there ever a happy ending for a story about lemmings? Thanks to Julie Colombet’s The Society of Distinguished Lemmings, the answer is now an emphatic “yes!”

This fancy society of lemmings have 10 rules to follow, with #1 being “Lemmings Only” and #10 insisting “No Questioning the Rules.” Not a problem for these rule-​following lemmings! But then lemming Bertie decides to leave the underground burrow because even distinguished lemmings can sometimes get TOO noisy. Once Bertie reaches the surface, though–gets the shock of his small life. He encounters a creature that he suspects is a bear! But Bear isn’t going to eat him–instead, it licks him, and just like that, they’re pals.

Bear doesn’t show interest in any of Bertie’s distinguished activities (painting and playing chess), but Bertie is quite taken by Bear’s most un-​distinguished activities (rolling in flowers, climbing tress, and jumping in mud puddles). When the other lemmings eventually learn of Bear, they are reluctant to let him join their society despite Bertie’s hope that they do so–Bear’s a bear after all, and he doesn’t appreciate the same things that the oh-​so-​fancy lemmings do. “The bear will never be distinguished,” they ultimately decide.

Bertie and Bear are then left behind when the others go on a sudden vacation (the dangerous migration we all worried would come when we heard the term “lemming” via the title). Some extremely fortuitous reading material (a book called A Short History of Lemmings) concerns Bertie and Bear enough such that they rush to the ocean to ensure their lemming buddies are safe. To no one’s surprise, the lemmings aren’t safe–they swam out too far into the deep water and are exhausted. But the distance is easily covered by Bear’s superior swimming ability, and he rescues them all, which earns him immediate entry into the new Society of Distinguished Lemmings…and Bears.

I’ll let Rebecca point out the visual jokes and discuss how the comic-​style multi-​vocal technique works to give voice to the many, many lemmings in this story. Instead, I’ll focus on three aspects on the story side of things.

  1. The wordplay here is fun, with such bear-​adjacent lines as “This is unbearable” and how Bear worries that things are “about to get grizzly.”
  2. The story offers a palatable take on kid topics such as following rules, supporting your friends, and accepting differences in others.
  3. Many of the funniest lines in the story appear in word balloons–kids will likely enjoy reading them, and will note different/​new things with subsequent reads, much like in a well-​done Search-​and-​Find where there’s always seemingly more to appreciate.

In sum, The Society of Distinguished Lemmings is a promising premise that ends up somewhat underdeveloped thanks to convenient moments (the right passage of the right book being read at the right time), a huh? moment (why does lemming Bertie need a book to teach him about a lemming’s penchant for a watery end via a migration?), and a relatively predictable conclusion (strong-​but-​shunned bear saves stodgy/​snobby lemmings). Yet make no mistake–the fundamental concept is fun, the lemming art entertaining, and the sense of play welcome. Taken together, it’s a mostly encouraging debut from French author/​illustrator Julie Colombet.

3.75 out of 5 pencils

Rebecca’s Review of the Illustrations–

From the expressive and character-​filled endpapers to the illustrated pages sprawling with dozens of ludicrous lemmings, The Society of Distinguished Lemmings is a fun and detail-​filled adventure from beginning to end.

Colombet’s soft style, with contrasting bright-​eyed characters and funny expressions, builds a wonderful bridge between comic and book form illustrations. Her detailed page layouts use speech bubbles to invite the viewer to explore her complex scenes that add to the larger story. Filled with tiny props and dozens of unique characters, these add amusing jokes and side narratives to serious situations and a larger moral.

Despite Colombet’s soft and friendly style, the images are actually quite nuanced.  When we’re first introduced to our lemming protagonist, Bertie, we are shown that he is unique among his compatriots, both because of his open-​minded attitude and his polka-​dotted coat, instead of a traditional striped pattern. This pattern mixing is a nice visual cue of individuality for a younger audience where the other lemmings can blend together, indicating their crowd-​like mentality. In each scene, as we see more of the lemmings and their new friend, Bear, the clear and exaggerated expressions really help communicate the attitudes and emotions of the characters and how they relate to each other as the story progresses. The bear’s expressions, in particular, show a great inner arc that transitions from fear to joy as his friends are rescued, resulting in a happy ending.

Some of my favorite pages are the underground scenes showing the lemmings’ home and the final scene where we see the lemmings and Bear finally relaxing together. I love the way we see dozens of characters on a page, but if we take the time, we can break down each area into unique instances and dramas so each page becomes dozens of moments the audience can come back to again and again. These scenes–filled with tiny chandeliers, dining tables with minuscule cutlery and goblets, concert halls, and portrait galleries–help contrast strongly with outdoor scenes in which we see Bertie and Bear bonding over simpler pleasures. It’s a nice visual resolution to see these two worlds merge at the end of the book in a large outdoor picnic

There are a lot of exciting details for readers young and old to discover on each page of this book. Colombet’s style brings the simple story to life and adds wonderful expression and humor to a profound narrative about learning to stand up to peer pressure, having fun, and being yourself.

4.5 out of 5 crayons

Rebecca Zomchek is a children’s book illustrator who has worked as a concept artist and cartoonist. She earned her BFA from Syracuse University and her MFA from The School of Visual Arts; she teaches Illustration at the Ringling College of Art and Design. Rebecca likes distinguished things like classical music and museums, but also loves being outside and getting paint everywhere.

Picture Book Review: Tiara’s Hat Parade by Kelly Starling Lyons

Tiara’s Hat Parade
Author: Kelly Starling Lyons
Illustrator: Nicole Tadgell
Albert Whitman & Co.
1 April 2020
32 pages

This month’s PB review is by Ryan G. Van Cleave (champion hat-​wearer at Only Picture Books) and Ringling College of Art and Design Illustration Professor (and OPB friend) David C. Gardner.

–Ryan’s Review of the Writing–

This new book by Kelly Starling Lyons tells a tale you don’t often see in picture books–capitalism. Tiara’s momma is terrific at making hats, but along comes a new store in town that sells them cheaper, so when Momma’s sales bottom out, she reluctantly shuts down her small business–the Tracy Rose Millinery. But Tiara isn’t fine with that because she loved Momma’s creations, and not just because Tiara was its top hat model.

Even though Momma eventually finds another outlet for her creativity–teaching art at Tiara’s school–it’s not the same. She’s clearly still sad about her defunct business and no longer being able to make her beloved hats for friends, family, and the community. Tiara can tell how much Momma misses it. So, when it’s time on Fun Friday to choose the next class art project, Tiara suggests, “Hats!” That’s what the class does, and Momma and the students have a blast.

But Tiara takes it a step further. She advertises a Hat Parade at Height Elementary, with the request that people come and wear their favorite Tracy Rose hat. They come out in droves with each taking a turn on stage to model their hats and share how empowering and individually meaningful they are. Momma is touched, and she starts to get orders for new hats once again. Maybe, too, Tiara has discovered her own future calling as well after finding great pleasure in helping her friend, Matti, improve on her art class creation.

I’ll leave it to David to speak about how these interesting visuals complement the story, but Tiara’s Hat Parade goes well beyond the tale of a small business that fails and finally comes around again thanks to community spirit. It’s also about a young girl’s indefatigable spirit and deep love for family. A thoughtful Author’s Note also shares the author’s own experience with hats and explains how they are a vital part of Black women’s–and men’s–style. A list of Famous Black Milliners is an added bonus to the back matter.

This emotional-​but-​triumphant story utilizes language at times that matches the beauty of Momma’s fine hats, which is a very nice touch.

4.25  out of 5 pencils

David’s Review of the Illustrations–

The illustrations by Nicole Tadgell are light, lively, and expressive. They highlight the characters’ relationships, never missing an opportunity to show characters interacting playfully with one another. The text relies on these relationships to tell the story, but the pictures show us these relationships–the closeness, the joy and the humor–in a way the text cannot, from Tiara’s closeness to her mom, to the joy in the big finale, the hat parade, the women’s outfits, colorful and varied.

The expressions of the characters are clear on every single page due to Ms. Tadgell’s thoughtful depiction of facial expressions, body language, and her attention to the emotions of color. For example, when Tiara’s mother and her family go through hard times, the colors take us down, cool and desaturated, without dipping too far down into mere drabness.

Even in a sad moment though, there is a fluidity and charm to Ms. Tadgell’s style, due in part to the sensitivity of the watercolor paintings and the light, loose holding line of the pencil which, at its best, recalls the charm of Trina Schart Hyman’s classic work. The mother, in particular, rings true. Using specific details, such as her distinctive hairstyle, glasses, and even the type of clothing Momma chooses to wear, she leaps from the realm of generic mother to being a warm, real person. There’s the visual contrast between Tiara, thin and angular, and Momma, round and soft, which sets up a pleasing–and essential–variety to the central relationship of the book.

The great success of these pictures is the emotion they convey on every page, and, by extension, the connections and relationships: Mother and daughter dancing in the hat shop to friends’ applause (a clever visual foreshadowing of the climactic parade), the family gathered around the dinner table in unspoken sadness, Momma dancing in front of her giddy students at school. The colorful hat parade of the title splashes across a series of pages, each wonderfully realized model/​friend alive in a spotlight of her own. A sense of community, togetherness, and fun is conveyed through the characters’ constantly moving–dancing, strutting, reaching–and through the colors, bright but never garish.

Ms. Tadgell skimps a bit on the background details now and then, such as a window frame that feels sketched in as an afterthought and could have used the same loving attention as the observed detail on Momma’s dress or a nearby jade plant. Proportions and perspective in the drawings feels a bit off at times. But those details seem minor considering the overall fun in the spot-​on hat designs and colors, full of rich, observed detail.

It’s clear to see why Tracy Rose’s hats bring so much joy to others, and clearly these pictures will delight any child.

4.5 out of 5 crayons

David C. Gardner is an award-​winning illustrator and visual development artist. A former artist for Walt Disney Animation Studios, he has illustrated numerous picture books, including his latest from Sleeping Bear Press, Write On, Irving Berlin! by Leslie Kimmelman (which appeared on OPB in May 2018). It tells the true story of little Izzy Baline, who immigrated to New York City in 1893 and grew up to become Irving Berlin, one of the most well-​known composers of popular music in America. David teaches illustration at Ringling College of Art and Design.
To learn more about David’s own work, please visit FlyingDogStudio.com.

Picture Book Review: Way Past Mad by Hallee Adelman

Illustrator: Sandra de la Prada
Albert Whitman & Co.
1 March 2020
32 pages
This month’s PB review is by OPB superfan Ryan G. Van Cleave and Florida-​based author/​illustrator Linda Shute.

–Ryan’s Review of the Writing–

It’s incredibly challenging to create a picture book that primarily deals with emotions, but that’s the task Hallee Adelman sets for herself in Way Past Mad. Right from the start, our protagonist Keya is indeed wronged–her little brother Nate messes up her room. Then he inexplicably feeds Keya’s breakfast cereal to their dog. While those two things don’t seem especially malicious, the fact that he “ruined my favorite hat” puts Keya over the edge.

I get it. Little siblings can drive you bonkers. I know that truth from my own childhood, and I see it in the sometimes-​tumultuous lives of my two daughters.

Adelman presents Keya’s anger in this story as something that makes one lose control. That sense of being out of control is shown in how she kicks rocks and sticks on the way to school, and in how, for her, it’s “the kind of mad that starts and swells and spreads like a rash.” That’s a memorable way to describe being mad, though it feels a bit off in that anger flares to life and grows far faster than any rash does, both in real life and in this story. In contrast, Keya’s happiness at the end of the story that “starts and swells and spreads like a smile” feels like a much more apt comparison.

For me, the fuzzy part of Way Past Mad was coming to grips with what being mad is to Keya. If she’s “way past mad,” how can Keya blame it for her saying unkind things to her friend, Hooper (“But my mad made me say it”)? This might seem like I’m nitpicking, but is being mad a destination/​place/​situation/​state of being, or is it its own thing, like an entity one must deal with, as some books present via personification? Does anger have power over you? If so, how can that be the case if one is “way past mad” versus, say, being in the “clutches of anger” or something along those lines?

While Keya owns up to her anger-​infused behavior and apologizes to Hooper, there’s no parallel resolution with Keya’s little brother, despite him doing the three things that kick off this emotional story. Keya clearly values friendship, however, and she learns that things done in the heat of anger–though that’s my language again that doesn’t quite jibe with how this book presents it–aren’t usually that helpful, and those are solid takeaways. I just wish the level of emotional insight the book offered from start to finish was as rich and compelling as the terrific, bold cover that initially drew me to this book.

3.5 out of 5 pencils


–Linda’s Review of the Illustrations–

The jacket for Way Past Mad attracted me–a little girl’s furious face boldly drawn in white and black on a bright red background. But we are not introduced to this narrator on the opening page. Bright plaid endpapers and cheery repetitive colors dissipate the cover’s promise of drama. This is a story of building anger that explodes into regrettable action, leaving the protagonist in a dark, lonely place until she finds resolution. What I miss here is a visual story arc that supports the text’s arc.

Design strategies–varying the focus, or the size of the art (like in Where the Wild Things Are), expressive color temperature and dark/​light values, mood-​setting endpapers and front matter–can reinforce story and feelings. Instead, the frown on Keya’s face is our primary visual indicator of her emotional landscape.

During the story, Keya fantasizes she is a champion runner, but there are no compositional clues to indicate these three scenes are in her imagination. She shows up later, in “real time,” wearing the star she won during her fantasy, which furthers the confusion.

Sandra de la Prada created appealing characters and did a competent job illustrating Way Past Mad, but I cannot help regretting opportunities missed by her and the book’s art director/​designer.

3 out of 5 crayons

Linda Shute is an author/​illustrator who earned a degree in art and art history at Florida State University and taught children’s book illustration at Ringling College of Art and Design.
She loves peanuts and beach sunsets.

Picture Book Review: A Crazy-​Much Love by Joy Jordan-Lake

Author: Joy Jordan-​Lake
Illustrator: Sonia Sánchez
Two Lions
17 Sept 2019
32 pages

This month’s PB review is by Ryan G. Van Cleave (Fan of All Things Crazy–especially Love–at Only Picture Books) and Ringling College of Art and Design Illustration Professor (and OPB superfriend) John Herzog.

–Ryan’s Review of the Writing–

I’ve got a soft spot in my picture-​book-​loving heart for stories that help children better understand what it is to be loved (like Sam McBratney’s Guess How Much I Love You, Robert Munsch’s Love You Forever, and Matt de la Peña’s Love, to name just a few of my favs), and A Crazy-​Much Love is in that same sweet spirit.

From the very first line–“You are the one, precious child–did you know?”–it’s clear that this story is from the point of view of eager, excited, and thankful parents who are telling their daughter exactly how she came to be part of their family. Not just any part, either, but a vital, important, and unique part, as seen in lines such as: “You were the one we hoped for, and prayed for, and piled up stuffed bears for.”

From first words to first steps to a first ride on a trike, the parents recount milestones with joy, compassion, and love. At times, though, the child asks questions that any child–adopted or not–might eventually wonder. “How much is the crazy-​much love?” and “How long does it last, the crazy-​much love?”

It’s a nice touch to have the child laugh when asking those tough questions because, as the story says and the parents know, “you already know.” Of course she does. There’s a sense of ritual to this family’s origin story that feels like the sort of thing they regularly tell, just as some kids love to flip through photo albums or request a favorite story over and over.

The answer to the child’s questions powerfully comes across via the smiling faces of the entire family in the art as well as in the powerful refrain “It was you” which, at the very end of the story, becomes “It is YOU.” It’s no surprise to learn that author Jordan-​Lake is drawing upon her own experience of adopting a child from China here because the emotions here feel honest and true.

This is a terrific addition to anyone’s bookshelves, whether they’re part of an adoptive family or not.

4.5 out of 5 pencils

–John’s Review of the Illustrations–

2019 has been a year marred by incessant bedlam. Every day, news organizations dish out an onslaught of stories that detail corrupt leadership, international conflict, wealth inequality, civil and equal rights violations, and so on and so on. Given all of this madness, how grateful I am to close out this year with a review of A Crazy-​Much Love, in which the only major conflict is a child sneaking their dog onto a school bus.

The story by Joy Jordan-​Lake is a simple yet effective one: Told from the perspective of an eager young couple, they adopt a child from another country and narrate the book, telling said child about their “crazy-​much love” for them. The book is a straightforward love letter from parent to child that most everyone can relate to, and (thankfully) strives to be nothing more.

Contrasting that simplicity are the wonderful illustrations by Sonia Sánchez. While they are on the messy side, they’re chock-​full of all-​too tangible expression and life. The compositions and colors start off fairly simple, then become more visually rich and complex after the child is brought home. I really enjoy how the “crazy-​much love” is first depicted as simple shapes and colors, then evolves into more complex shapes and colors as the child grows older. The character designs are also incredibly fun and relatable, with subtle nods to the likes of Quentin Blake and Mary Blair.

I must admit that A Crazy-​Much Love really struck a chord with me on a personal level, as I have some incredibly close friends who have adopted several children. It’s fantastic to see a book like this where their story, along with countless others, is represented. If anything, I’m thankful to end the year reviewing a book like this, which extols the virtues of love, patience, and compassion. We’re definitely going to need them as we head into a potentially turbulent 2020.

4.75 out of 5 crayons

John Herzog is an illustrator and educator. His clients include Hasbro, Dreamworks TV, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and Highlights for Children. He also teaches illustration classes at Ringling College of Art and Design. John is a member of the Society of Illustrators and SCBWI, and received the 2018 SCBWI Magazine Merit Award for his Highlights High Five cover illustration. He lives in Florida with his wife, two kids, a tarantula, a bearded dragon, and a fish.

He is represented by Shannon Associates.

Picture Book Review: Pippa’s Night Parade by Lisa Robinson and Lucy Fleming

Pippa’s Night Parade
Author: Lisa Robinson
Illustrator: Lucy Fleming
Two Lions
8 October 2019
32 pages

This month’s PB review is by Ryan G. Van Cleave (#1 parade aficionado at Only Picture Books) and Ringling College of Art and Design Illustration Professor (and OPB buddy) David C. Gardner.

–Ryan’s Review of the Writing–

Pippa has a problem–a “wonderfully wild imagination” that sometimes “runs a little TOO wild.” She does just fine at day when her various costumes serve as armor, but come nighttime? She worries about “villains and monsters and beasts.” Indeed, they pour forth from the darkest corners of both her imagination and her bedroom to cause grief.

Pippa finally tries to tackle her fears head-​on through an invitation to all monsters to come out that night for the Scary Night Parade. Her hope is to deal with the lot of them, once and for all. Yet it doesn’t work out as she hoped. But Pippa refuses to quit. Her next attempt to deal with the monsters leverages something she’s loved from the start–fashion. She’s a big fan of dress-​up. When she brings out the “sashes and sequins and bows” and “belts and berets and shawls,” the critters get into the fashionista spirit and participate in the spectacular show.

Robinson wisely doesn’t let the parents save the day (they quite reasonably send Pippa back to her own bed “again and again and again”). She also presents Pippa as being able to overcome her greatest weakness/​fear through the use of an existing strength. That’s an empowering thing for kids to consider.

Pippa becoming the leader of the monster pack feels like a quiet nod toward Where the Wild Things Are, too, though it’s a bit unfair to compare any book to Sendak’s nuanced masterpiece.

Many readers will delight in Robinson’s attention to the repetition of sound, such as “designs a disguise” and “beasts and brutes and baddies.” They’ll likely enjoy the presentation of Pippa, as well, since she’s a plucky dark-​haired girl who uses her imagination plus problem-​solving skills to get past a common childhood issue.

The well-​wrought cartoony illustrations help bring it all together and keep this story more fun than frightening.

4 out of 5 pencils

David’s Review of the Illustrations–

A light in the darkness.

It starts with the cover: Pippa, victorious, wields a flashlight. Banishing fears with light is the major motif that illustrator Lucy Fleming finds to bring this minimal text to life. It’s a lovely, visual way to capture Pippa’s solution to her bedtime fears.

Along the way, Fleming has plenty of room to add playful touches, like adding a cute white cat (notice: not a scary black Halloween cat!) who accompanies Pippa, like a witch’s “familiar.” The palette is perfect for Halloween, lots of violet, starting with the end papers, complemented with yellow throughout.

This book is clearly aimed at a very young crowd. The pictures are mysterious without being too scary, with plenty of humor, action, and movement. Her monsters early on take the form of ghostly shadows, in one especially clever extension of the text, unscrewing the lightbulbs over Pippa’s bed when she “tries extra nightlights.”

Pippa’s whimsical answer to defeating the monsters? Dress them in silly costumes. That whimsy is echoed in Fleming’s loose, sometimes flattened style, colorful and bright, even at their spookiest, bringing to mind the way a child might draw and color the action.

It would be a mistake, though, to dismiss Fleming’s pictures as naïve. She draws Pippa as a big-​headed kid in the style of the great Mary Blair, a Disney stylist from the 40s through the 60s (think “It’s a Small World”). Blair’s approach is much imitated in picture books today. Fleming even mimics Blair’s gouache painting style, except her opaque watercolor and colored pencil is all created digitally. She manages to bring to it a texture and warmth that feels made-by-hand.

The neatest trick of all: The text moves in and out of Pippa’s mind as her real world intersects with her imagination. To a very young child, there’s not much difference between the two worlds. Fleming blends them, painting a vivid picture of Pippa’s inner and outer landscape, drawing us into the story more deeply than the text alone could manage.

This is a simple story, but a difficult, archetypal one in a child’s development. Fleming manages to help it all go down like Halloween candy.

4 out of 5 crayons

David C. Gardner is an award-​winning illustrator and visual development artist. A former artist for Walt Disney Animation Studios, he has illustrated numerous picture books, including his latest from Sleeping Bear Press, Write On, Irving Berlin! by Leslie Kimmelman (which appeared on OPB not so long ago). It tells the true story of little Izzy Baline, who immigrated to New York City in 1893 and grew up to become Irving Berlin, one of the most well-​known composers of popular music in America. David teaches illustration at Ringling College of Art and Design.
To learn more about David’s own work, please visit FlyingDogStudio.com.