Educational Activities: Busy Betty by Reese Witherspoon, illustrated by Xindi Yan

Busy Betty
Author: Reese Witherspoon
Illustrator: Xindi Yan
4 October 2022
Flamingo Books
40 pages

Book description from Goodreads: “From Academy Award winning actress, founder, and bestselling author, Reese Witherspoon, comes Busy Betty, a story about a creative, curious, and exuberant young girl who has big plans and an even bigger heart.

Busy Betty has always been busy … even when she was just a baby! When Betty gives Frank a big hug, she realizes he needs a bath, PRONTO! Her best friend, Mae, is coming over, and Betty can’t have the smelliest dog in the whole world! But giving Frank a bath is harder than she thought and just when everything seems impossible, with Mae’s help, Betty learns she can accomplish anything with perseverance, teamwork, and one great idea.

From Reese Witherspoon comes a smart and larger-​than-​life character who encourages young readers to celebrate what makes them unique and realize that anything is possible!”

Educational Activities inspired by Busy Betty:

  • Before Reading–From looking at the front cover: 
    • What are you wondering about as you look at the cover and back of the book?
    • What activities do you think keep Betty so busy?
    • What do the colors on the cover tell you about the mood of the story?
    • Where do you think the story takes place?
    • Who do you think is in the photo on the back cover?
    • What questions would you like to ask the author–or the illustrator!–before reading the book?
  • After Reading–Now that you’ve read the story: 
    • Now that you’ve read the book, do you think that being busy is a good thing? Why/​why not?
    • Betty says all kind of interesting things (“sweet cinnamon biscuits,” “fantabulous,” “bouncing biscuits,” etc.). Which unusual word/​phrase is your favorite? Why?
    • Where did teamwork really come into play in the story?
    • What do you think was the most important lesson Betty learned?
    • Which illustration surprised you the most? Which did you like best?
    • What was your favorite part of the story, and why?
    • Would you recommend this book to a friend? What part would you tell them about first?
    • If the book had a sequel, what do you think it would be about? 
  • Frank’s Fabulous Portrait: Betty’s dog, Frank, is quite a character, isn’t he? It’s your turn to be an artist. Draw, paint, or craft a portrait of Frank. Imagine all his funny expressions and the glittery mess he creates. You could even add real glitter to your artwork for that extra sparkle. Where will you hang Frank’s portrait in your home?
  • Glitter Galore Craft Day: Remember the glittery mess in the book? Let’s embrace the mess and create some glitter art. You’ll need glue, paper, and lots of glitter. Draw a picture with glue and then sprinkle glitter over it. Shake off the excess, and voila! You’ve got a sparkly masterpiece. It’s okay to get a bit messy – that’s part of the fun!
  • Puppet Show Extravaganza: Create puppets of Betty, Mae, and Frank using socks, paper bags, or crafted figures. Then, put on a puppet show retelling the story of Busy Betty. You can use a cardboard box as your stage. Invite your family to watch your show. It’s a fun way to bring the story to life!
  • Betty’s Busy Day Diary: Pretend you’re Betty and write a diary entry about your busiest, most fun day. What did you do? Who were you with? How did you feel at the end of the day? This activity will help you explore your feelings and creativity, just like Betty does in her adventures.
  • Further Reading: While Betty is the main character, Frank the dog plays a key role in this story, so let’s examine some other dog-​focused books. Which of these have you already read? Which of the others would you want to read first? (Click on any book cover for more information on these titles!)


Educational Activities: Eclipse by Andy Rash

Author: Andy Rash
Illustrator: Andy Rash
5 September 2023
Scholastic Press
40 pages

Book description from Goodreads: “A boy and his dad experience a total solar eclipse in this heartwarming picture book by author and illustrator Andy Rash.

Shimmering rays shine around the moon. I try not to blink.

We are in the perfect place at the perfect time.

After hearing about the total solar eclipse happening in two months, a boy makes a plan with his father to go see it. They drive to the perfect campsite, not wanting to miss the couple of minutes when the sun will be completely hidden by the moon. When the moment happens, being together makes it even more special.

Based on a trip that author-​illustrator Andy Rash took with his son to see the eclipse in August 2017, Eclipse is a heartfelt and playfully illustrated ode to seeking out unique adventures and savoring the most special moments with the people you love. Back matter about eclipses and maps of eclipses’ paths across the United States make this book perfect for the STEAM curriculum.”

Educational Activities inspired by Eclipse:

  • Before Reading–From looking at the front cover: 
    • What are you wondering about as you look at the cover and back of the book?
    • What do you already know about eclipses?
    • What are the characters on the cover wearing?
    • What questions would you like to ask the author–or the illustrator!–before reading the book?
  • After Reading–Now that you’ve read the story: 
    • How did the eclipse bring the father and son closer together?
    • What do you now know about eclipses that you didn’t before you read the book?
    • How did the author use time (e.g., two months ago, a day ago) to build excitement?
    • What was your favorite part of the story, and why?
    • Would you recommend this book to a friend? What part would you tell them about first?
    • If the book had a sequel, what do you think it would be about?
  • Eclipse Time Capsule: Make your very own time capsule! Find a shoebox and decorate it with stars, moons, and anything else you like. Inside, put a letter to your future self about what you think an eclipse is, how you might feel seeing one, and what you hope to learn. Add some small items that are special to you now. Close the box and write a date in the future to open it, maybe on the day of the next solar eclipse!
  • Eclipse Shadow Play: Let’s play with shadows to make your own eclipse! In a dark room, shine a flashlight on a wall and use a small ball to create a shadow that looks like an eclipse. Now, imagine a story about someone watching the eclipse and act it out with your shadow play. What kind of adventures do they have?
  • Create Your Eclipse Viewer: Safety first! With the help of an adult, make a simple pinhole projector to safely view solar eclipses. You can find instructions online here, here, or here. Decorate your viewer with your favorite colors and designs.
  • Map Your Own Adventure: Draw a map of your neighborhood or town and mark a special spot where you think it would be great to watch an eclipse. Explain why you chose that spot – is it high up, open, or just really pretty?
  • Eclipse Time Travel: Imagine you could travel in time to any eclipse in history. Which one would you visit and why? Write a story or draw a picture of your time-​travel adventure.
  • Further Reading: Since Eclipse is about the sun and the moon, let’s examine some other books about one or both of those things. Which of these have you already read? Which of the others would you want to read first? (Click on any book cover for more information on these titles!)